
SeriesSmallpox 天花讲堂ppt课件.ppt

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SeriesSmallpox 天花讲堂ppt课件

Cultural Series;Smallpox;;Discovery of Smallpox;Influence?;Influence?;Influence?;Route of transmission;Symptoms;In the 1770’s, a British doctor Edward Jenner found vaccination.;Milkmaid Cowpox ;;In 1976, all countries began to inject the smallpox vaccination In Oct 25th 1979, eradication ;Last Living Samples of the Virus;Chickenpox= Smallpox?;General Ways of Avoiding Infection;General Ways of Avoiding Infection; 黑死病 SARS, 2003 黄热病 Ebola, 2014 霍乱 MERS, 2012,2015 西班牙流感 BSE(Mad Cow Disease), 1986 艾滋病 Bird flu, 2004 疯牛病 Spanish flu, 1918 口蹄疫 Cholera, 1817 非典型 The Black Death, 1400s 禽流感 HIV ,1981 埃博拉 Yellow fever, 1648 中东呼吸综合症 Aftosa(foot-and-mouth disease),2001 ;Question;Where did the last case of smallpox occur in the world? Somalia Egypt Netherlands Bangladesh ;When did the last case of smallpox occur in the world? 1975 1976 1977 1978; Which organization announced the smallpox has been eradicated at 1979? UFO WTO APEC WHO ;;When did we start to inject vaccination all over the world? 1975 1976 1977 1978;How many Europeans did smallpox kill at the end of 18th century? 250,000 300,000 400,000 450,000;How many people was killed by smallpox at 20th century? 300 million 350 million 400 million 450million; Where does the living smallpox samples preserved? Sweden Denmark America Russia


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