陕北剪纸艺术在休闲装设计中的应用分析-analysis of the application of northern shaanxi paper-cut art in casual wear design.docx
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陕北剪纸艺术在休闲装设计中的应用分析-analysis of the application of northern shaanxi paper-cut art in casual wear design
陕北剪纸是黄土地上广大劳动妇女创造的一种民间艺术形式,由于其特殊的地理 环境和深厚的文化积淀,形成了地域特色极强的陕北剪纸。它完整的保留了中华民族 古老的造型纹样,被专家们称为解开中华古老文化的“活化石”。陕北剪纸具有淳朴、 粗犷、简练的艺术特点,与休闲装自由的款式设计,图案选择上具有很强的包容性相 吻合。将陕北剪纸艺术运用在休闲装设计上,不仅增添休闲装的文化价值,赋予其新 的时代文化和生命力,还能迎合当下人们对休闲装个性化、感性化消费的需求。
本文采用文献分析、实证考察和案例分析相结合的方法,在大量借鉴中国服装史、 休闲装设计等相关理论和方法的基础上,对陕北剪纸艺术及其在休闲装中的应用进行 了较为全面的分析和研究。文章首先介绍陕北剪纸的起源,特点及题材分类,深入探 究陕北剪纸图案的文化内涵。其次,以民间剪纸的历史发展进程为脉络,研究剪纸艺 术与传统服饰的内在联系。第三,结合国内外剪纸服装设计实例,分析陕北剪纸在休 闲装设计中应用的可行性和现实意义。最后,在理论与实践相结合基础上设计制作成 衣,以实践的形式探讨陕北剪纸艺术在休闲装设计中的运用。
在现代休闲装设计中运用陕北剪纸元素,拓宽了剪纸艺术在服装设计上的表现形 式,为传统剪纸艺术形式融入国际化服装设计潮流提供一定的理论依据和设计支撑。 这对休闲装的发展以及弘扬中华民族的传统文化均具有深刻的意义。
Kirigami of northern shan-xi province is a form of folk art created by great workwomen of the loess plateau, Kirigami of northern shan-xi province has a strong local characteristics due to its special geographical environment and profound cultural accumulation, It retained a complete modeling of the chinese nation ancient patterns. It is deemed as a living fossil that can unlock ancient culture of chinese. Kirigami of northern shan-xi province has properties of simple, straightforward, concise,witch can provide new material and inspiration for casual wear. The style of casual wear are more free than others and have a strong inclusive of the paper-cut pattern. Applying kirigami of northern shan-xi province on casual clothing design can add the cultural value of casual wear, also can meet the demand the personalized casual wear.
The article adopted the method of literature analysis, empirical research and case analysis. In the paper, it analyzed and researched kirigami of northern shan-xi province and its application in casual design comprehensively on the basis of reference for a lot of relevant theories and methods of chinese costume and casual clothing design. First, the article introduced the origin and characteristics of the northern kirigami of northern shan-xi province, introduced the classification of it’s subject and explored it’s cult
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