
天然原料合成al,4sic,4的机理与性能研究-study on the mechanism and properties of al, 4 sic, 4 synthesized from natural materials.docx

天然原料合成al,4sic,4的机理与性能研究-study on the mechanism and properties of al, 4 sic, 4 synthesized from natural materials.docx

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天然原料合成al,4sic,4的机理与性能研究-study on the mechanism and properties of al, 4 sic, 4 synthesized from natural materials

笈!!亟 盛婆叠撞盘堂亟±堂僮j金室 Abstract A14SiC4 h觞some exccllent propeni铭,such鹤mclting point about 2037℃,hi曲s仃eng帆 stability of ch锄ist哕andⅡlennal cxpansion coe伍cief也excellent hydration r镪ist锄鹏:矾d 0xidation reSistall%etc.A14Sic4 ma矧al is a l【ind of pot锄tiaI ma刚als applying to 11igll-t啪pcl劬】re stm咖ral mat甜aIs or 11i曲·quality rc劬ct面鹤.So妣me synth骼ized A14Sic4 mat舐als we托maillly used鹤stan洫g matelials.A1though me sin舀e ph弱e A14Sic4 ma研al couId be synth船ized,Ⅱle s),11m髓is cost of A14SiC4 material is Ve叫high.There向他,mo∞ nle啦ods have not been industrialized. Wc took Mo natural raw mat丽als(flint clay勰d Whitc c;la:),powdefs)iIl A1203·Si02啊锄, alumimlm powder觚d actiVe carbon powder弱me starting materials.1b s”lth髓i鹋A14Si(X mat两als,、张adoptcd tl玎∞projects鹊仍llowin吕(1)natur出raw mat丽面s勰d C,(2)me secondly synmesis,(3)the impact of adding A1 on natural删mat嘶als锄d C.T11e s锄p1鹤 were died under 1 00MPa pressure,thell dded out,and synthesized at high t朗叩eraturc in Ar atmosphere. The诧aSibility on tlle啪thesis of A14SiC4 w嬲锄alyzed啪dcr Ar a缸noSphere throug量I the髓odynamic calculation.The phase唧sitions of thle si“t钌ed sampleS were d砾;rmined by X_ray di胁ctome时(Ⅺ①).111e microstnlctures of me syIlthesized s锄pl姻were eX锄ined by scanning electron micros∞pe(SEM),and the elemelltal锄d quantitatiVe compOsitions of me specimeIlS were det咖ined by t11e eIle唧dispersiVe X-ray spec仃0s唧y(EDX).ne 0xidation process of the synmesizcd s卸叩les w弱rcse缸chcd by thc difB骶Intial me咖al锄融ysis(DTA) and the m∞mal黟a“ty aIlalysis(TG).Erosion-resisting propercy w鸽studied by廿1e cmcible method. By aIlalyzing the eXp耐menta:l r懿ults,we got some conclusions勰f10110ws. (1)Using natuml raw materials i11 A1203·Si02 system锄d amiVe ca而on powde瑙硒me st缸ing mat喇als,we did not如und AJ4SiC4 bul nlc middle product A1404C and AJ20C in t11e sint硎鞠mples.h1 the course of me Secondly synm鹊is,wh∞adding me mctal A1 powd%we got a little A14SiC4.So adding the metal Al w勰Ve呵imponant to synm髓ized A14SiC4. (2)hI tIIe courSe o



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