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Digestion Nutrition Characteristics of different small intestine: Decreased plicae circulares Increased goblet cells in mucous Increased lymphoid tissue in lamina propria and submucous (from duodenum to ileum) duodenum ileum Consists of rectum, colon and appendix Long intestine glands, no villi Great abundance of goblet and absorptive cells, no Panthe cells The lamina propria is rich in lymphoid cells and nodules LARGE INTESTINE Function: absorption of water and formation of the fecal mass plus production of mucus large intestine junction of rectum and anus an evagination of cecum with small, narrow and irregular lumen abundance lymphoid follicles in its wall fewer and shorter intestinal glands compared with other section of large intestine APPENDIX * * 教学目标及基本要求 1. 掌握消化管的基本结构。 2. 了解口腔粘膜的结构。 3. 了解舌的结构和牙的结构。 4. 掌握消化管各段的结构特点及功能。 5. 了解消化管的免疫功能。 6. 了解消化管内分泌功能。 General structure of digestive tract mucosa epithelia lining: (stratified squamous or simple culumnar) lamina propria: LCT(vessel, nerve, gland, LT) muscularis mucosa: thin smooth macular muscularis: inner circular, outer longitudinal (skeletal or smooth muscular) adventitia:thin loose connective tissue (fibrosa or serosa) submucosa submucosal nerve plexus gland(only in esophagus and duodenum) mucous Lower surface:smooth Dorsal surface:irregular muscularis:mass of striated skeletal muscular Taste bud Filiform papillae Fungiform papillae Circumvallate papillae TONGUE Filiform papillae Fungiform papillae Foliate papillae taste buds epithelium lamina propria Tunica muscularis Fibrosa } Tunica mucosa muscularis mucosae stratified squamous Tunica submucosa skeletal in upper 1/3rd mixed in middle 1/3rd smooth in lower 1/3rd ESOPHAGUS Tunica submucosa with glands Epithelium (non keratinized stratified squamous) Junction of esophagus and cardia ESOPHAGUS mucosa: epithel


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