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摘 要 摘 要 建筑施工安全关系到建筑施工人员的生命财产安全,关系到改革发展和社会稳定大局。目前我国的安全生产形势依然严峻,特别是建筑领域伤亡事故多发的状况尚未根本扭转,建筑施工安全极其严竣;安全管理基础比较薄弱,保障体系和机制不健全;部分地方和生产经营单位安全意识不强,责任不落实,投入不足;安全生产监督管理机构、队伍建设以及监管工作及待加强。故而对待施工安全管理和教育不可掉已轻心,侥幸对待,但解决问题不能只治标,应抓源头、抓重点、抓重大隐患、抓造成群死群伤的萌头,强抓不懈,做到安全第一,预防为主,防消结合。 建筑施工安全管理是一门科学,是一项专业性、政策性、群众性、综合性非常强的工作。对建筑施工准备阶段的安全管理从理论上研究探讨,实践上全面展开,运用合理的安全管理手段和控制措施,有效的把握建筑准备阶段安全工作做实做好,达到安全施工的目的。因此,作为建筑企业,应认真研究建筑业安全管理的现状,树立新的安全管理理念,建立适合于现代建筑安全管理的新体系。 关键词:建筑施工;安全;管理模式;安全管理 I ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Construction safety is related to the construction of people’s life and property safety, the relationship between reform, development and social stability. At present our country’s safety in production situation is still grim, especially in the construction field casualties accidents status has not been fundamentally reversed, construction safety is very severe; safety management foundation is weak, security system and mechanism is not perfect; and parts of the production and business operation entity safety consciousness is not strong, the responsibility is not fulfilled, devoted inadequacy; safety production supervision management mechanism, team construction and supervision work and needs to be strengthened. They treat the construction safety management and education can’t drop has a light heart, treat, but solve the problem can not only the symptoms, should catch fountainhead, pay a focal point, catch, catch the great hidden danger of Qunsiqunshang adorable head, strong grasp, so safety first, prevention first, combine prevention with elimination. This paper explores the construction preparation stage of various harmful factors, explore the construction process of unsafe factors and the contradiction between the laborer, better use of these laws to make scientific, reasonable, effective in a variety of system of safe production management, improving and perfecting the safety technical measures, designed to prevent and eliminate various harmful factors in the process of con


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