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[General Information] 书名=制药工程专业英语 作者=吴达俊,庄思永主编 页数=278 出版社=北京市:化学工业出版社 出版日期=2000 SS号 DX号=000000057985 URL=/bookDetail.js p?dxNumber=000000057985d=15F6EE351EC20A8F1 5D6E66C1FAE9D5E PART 1 MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY Unit 1 Production of Drugs Reading Material 1 Past Approaches to Discovering New Drugs as Medicines Unit 2 Structural Features and Pharmac ologic Activity (Ⅰ) Reading Material 2 Structural Features and Pharmacologic Activity (Ⅱ) Unit 3 Chemotherapy: An Introduction(Ⅰ ) Reading Material 3 Chemotherapy:an Int roduction (Ⅱ) Unit 4 Novel Analgesics Reading Material 4 Mild Analgesics-Ant ipyretics Unit 5 Drug Development (Ⅰ) Reading Material 5 Drug Development (Ⅱ ) PART 2 BIOCHEMICAL PHARMACEUTICALS Unit 6 Isolation of Caffeine from Tea Reading Material 6 Medicinal of Plant Origin:Historical Aspects Unit 7 Developing Drugs from Tradition al Medicinal Plants Reading Material 7 Naturally Occurring Flavans Unsubstituted in the Heterocyclic Ring Unit 8 The Chemistry of Insulin Reading Material 8 Steroid Saponins Unit 9 Multidrug-Resistant Bacterial I nfections:Driving the Search for New Antibi otics Reading Material 9 Beta-Lactams Past a nd Present Unit 10 Preparation and Purification o f Heparin Reading Material 10 Deoxyribonucleic A cid PART 3 INDUSTRIAL PHARMACY Unit 11 Tablets(The Pharmaceutical Tab lets Dosage Form) Reading Material 11 Evaluation Unit 12 Manufacture of Tablets Reading Material 12 Solids Mixing and Drying Unit 13 Sterile Products Reading Material 13 Processing Unit 14 Sustained Release Dosage Forms Reading Material 14 Tableted Slow Rele ase Granulations Unit 15 Kinetic Principles and Stabili ty Testing Reading Material 15 Degradative Pathwa


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