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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 56 专题一 定语从句 I.典题呈现 1. New Year coming, I have many friends to _______ I am going to send post cards. I will go to the countryside to see my grandparents, with ______ I will spend the whole summer vacation. 【要点】定语从句关系代词中,能和介词连用的只有两个,分别是______、_______。 2. The person I want to talk about with you is Tu Youyou, the one ______ won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2015. Those _____ are often late for class should be warned first. If they promise to be punctual next time, we should believe it. Anyone _____ is quick-minded should also be careful with their handwriting, because beautiful handwriting can invisibly increase your scores. 【要点】定语从句关系代词that和who中,能和指“人”的不定代词(anyone, someone, those等)连用的为______。 3. The school shop, _____customers are mainly students, is closed for the holidays. I don’t want to put up for the night in this small inn, _______ windows are shabby and it’s too cold to live there. 【要点】定语从句中关系代词whose可以代指____或______;在句子中充当________成分。 4. I refuse to accept the blame for something ______ was someone else’s fault. He is a social boy. Anything ______ happens surrounding him can easily distract his concentration. He really needs to calm down. 【要点】定语从句关系代词中,能和指“物”的不定代词(something, anything等)连用的为______。 5. The first place _____ they visited in Guilin was Elephant Trunk Hill, and they think it fascinating. The only part of the meal _____ I really liked was the dessert. I don’t like the soup, because it was too salty. Shine once said jokingly, “He is the last man _____ I want to marry in the world”. 【要点】限定性定语从句中,中心词(指物)前有序数词、最高级、the only等修饰时,关系代词选择__________。 6. They will never forget the things and persons _____ they have seen or heard of during their long journey. 【要点】限定性定语从句关系代词that和which中,中心词出现“人物并存”的情况时,关系代词选择______。 7. He is the only person to _______ I can turn for help when I am in trouble. I know he will come and help. Mr. Anderson was absent from the meeting. Does anybody know the reason for _____ he di


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