
KPMG 毕马威笔试题面试题目 面经吧的博客.doc

KPMG 毕马威笔试题面试题目 面经吧的博客.doc

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KPMG 毕马威笔试题面试题目 面经吧的博客

KPMG 毕马威笔试题面试题目 面经吧的博客 KPMG毕马威笔试题面试题目 我的四大KPMG毕马威之旅(二面) 更多毕马威(KPMG)笔经面经,请关注面经吧毕马威(KPMG)专区更多公司笔试题目面试题目,请关注面经吧行程居然和上次一样: 8日晚Z73北京-合肥不过这次换了卧铺 10日早7:58 D5447合肥-上海,还是托同学在合肥买了票 10日晚T上海-北京(汗,连座位的位置都一样,2车厢6号~~) 准备: 这次,反倒放轻松很多了,也没准备什么东西,居然就这么去了~~除了在火车上思考了最最经典的Why audit~~ 我被安排在2点半面试,雨下得很大,2点10分到了4楼再次整理了衣服之后,才上了50楼,看见了刚才同在麦当劳的mm~~ 被告知,是个欧美人面我~~陆续的不断有人来等待面试,不断有人被带上去面试,只有我还坐在那里~~2点50~~还没有结果,就问了一下,说par可能今天比较忙,还需要等~~ 直到3点10分,我才被带到48楼,面我的是J*,English,2001年从Hong Kong office到上海office的,先是为让我等待而道歉,然后很nice的说他先自我介绍下,我可以relax一下~~瞄到桌面上好像有一份评分表格,大概有5条,有1 23 45几项,看见我的其中1-2个打了1,剩下的是2,不过不知道是什么内容,估计是manager的评价吧~~ 于是,我的经典句子~~ My name is ZChao.I am apostgraduate student of University of Science and Technology of China,majoring in Software Engineering.(par:aha,you have an engineering background,so does me)^_^And Igot my bachelor degree from Harbin×2 years ago.(par:so you are from Harbin)^_^[continue]Yes,although Ihave an engineering background,I prefer to working with people rather than computers.So in the past 6years,I tried to foster my soft skills through some social activities.At the end of this August,I just finished one year internship in*Co.Ltd in Tokyo(par:so you can speak Japanese)^_^a little.In this year,the working language is mainly English,and Ilearned to care more about details from the Japanese people.Today Iam applying the audit position of KPMG,thank you for giving me this opportunity of interview.Thank you very much. par:aha,that is interesting,what do you know about audit? (这个有点打乱我的想法,随不是why audit,但又相关,只能选择其中一条回答~~) me:en.I know audit is athird party professional,which has authority,judgement and knowledge,to be employed by one party,and check the other partys records and.汗,不会说了,只好sorry,I dont know the finical words. is not abad answer.when Iwas been interviewed,I even didnt know that.(so nice~~)what do you think is important personality for an auditor? me:(临时开编~~)first,judgement,because it is authority and third party.second,detail-oriented,maybe someone will precise


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