
110KV变电站电气一次系统初步设计 论文.doc

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110KV变电站电气一次系统初步设计 论文

江西理工大学2010届本科生毕业设计(论文) PAGE 2 本 科 毕 业 设 计(论文) 题 目:110KV变电站电气一次系统初步设计 学 院: 专 业: 班 级: 学 号: 学 生: 指导教师: 职称: 时间: 摘要 PAGE I 摘 要 电能是现代社会中最重要,最方便的能源,电能具有很多优点,可以方便的转化为别种形式的能,以及它的输送和分配易于实现,并且它的应用规模也很灵活,因此,电能被日益广泛的应用于农业,交通运输业以及人民的日常生活中。现如今,越来越多的人意识到,电力事业的日益发展紧系着国计民生。它的发展水平和电气化的程度,是衡量一个国家的国民经济发展水平及其社会现代化水平高低的一个重要标志。其中,变电所的发展则是至关重要的。 本文首先根据任务书上所给系统与线路及所有负荷发展情况,分析负荷发展趋势与当地地理环境和工业发展条件。从负荷增长和地区建设方面阐明了建站的必要性,然后通过对拟建变电站的概括以及出线方向来考虑,并通过对负荷资料的分析,从安全性、经济性、可靠性及灵活性等方面考虑,先简单介绍了各种接线方式,然后从经济性、灵活性、可靠性各方面进行比较,确定了110KV,35KV,10KV电气主接线形式,然后又通过负荷计算及供电范围通过容载比的方法,确定了主变压台数、容量及型号,最后通过对短路电流、各种短路方式、短路危害的介绍及短路电流和最大持续电流的计算,对各种高压电器的选择进行说明,并对高压断路器、隔离开关、母线、电流互感器、电压互感器、避雷器等进行了选型,从而完成了110KV变电站电气一次部分的设计。 关键词:变压器;变电站;短路计算;电气主接线;设备选择 ABSTRACT PAGE II ABSTRACT The electrical energy is the most important, convenient energy in the modern society, the electrical energy has many merits, can facilitate transforms as other energies. , as well as its transportation and the assignment easy to realize, and its application scale is also very flexible, therefore, electrical energy by day by day widespread application in agriculture, transportation shipping industry as well as in peoples daily life. Nowadays, more and more people realize, the electric power enterprise flourishes more and more daily tightly is the national economy and the peoples livelihood. Its level of development and the electrification cause is one of the most important symbols to weigh a national economy level of development and a social modernization horizontal height .And, the transformer substation development is very important. At first this paper book according to the mission to system and routes and all load to development, analysis development tendency and local load geographical environment and industrial development conditions. From the load growth and regional construction, the necessity of clarified site. Then based on summary of proposed substation direction to consider, and qualify, and through to the load da


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