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山东科技大学本科毕业设计(论文) PAGE 1500t/d金亭岭金矿选矿厂工艺初步设计 专 业: 矿物加工工程 姓 名: 指导教师: 摘要:本次设计参考金亭岭金矿2000t/d选矿厂的现场生产情况,初步设计了金亭岭金矿选矿厂工艺流程、设备选型、厂房配置等。根据设计任务书和现场生产指标,本次设计采用如下主要工艺流程:三段两闭路的破碎筛分流程;一段一闭路的磨矿分级流程;一次粗选二次扫选一次精选的浮选流程;金精矿采用浓缩压滤的脱水流程。本次设计选矿厂的规模为1500t/d,给矿最大粒度500mm,原矿品位为1.5g/t,原矿密度为2.8 t/m3。得到的金精矿的品位为40g/t,回收率为94.1%。车间配置如下:粗碎段的鄂式破碎机配置在原矿矿井之下,圆锥破碎机、双层圆振动筛配置在一起。磨矿分级流程,球磨机与旋流器配合。浮选流程采用充气搅拌式浮选机,闭路配置,中矿返回前一个作业,设备按照选别作业顺序依次布置。整个选矿厂设备型号适中、稳定高效、配置紧凑并且基建投资少。设计的选别流程具有稳定、易操作、选矿回收率高的优点。同时,重视环境保护和资源保护,合理利用资源。 关键词:选矿厂初步设计;破碎;磨矿;浮选;厂房配置 Primary Design of 1500t/d Mill of Jintingling Gold Mine Specialty: Mineral Processing Engineering Name : Haiying Liu Tutor:Hongguan Yu Xueqi Cui Abstract:According to the 2000t/d mill of Jintingling gold mine, the dressing flowsheet, equipment selection, plant configuration of Jintingling gold mine mill is primarily designed. Under the design task and on-the-spot production indicators, this design adopts three sects two closed circuit in the flowsheet of comminution, one sect one closed circuit in grinding and classification, one rough two scavenger and one clean in flotation circuit. The concentrate directly dewaters by filters and thickener. The mill’s scale is 1500 tons per day and the maximal ore-feed size is 500mm.Ore-feed grade is 1.5 gram per ton. The ore density is 2.8 ton per cubic meter. The fine concentrate grade is 40 gram per ton, recovery is 94.1 per cent. Workshop configurations are as follows: the jaw crusher is arranged under the run-of-mine ore mine, cone crusher and shaking screen are arranged in the same workshop. In the process of grinding and classification,the grinding mill and the classifiers are arranged together. The flotation flowsheet choices pneumatic agitation machines with the close flotation circuits. The middlings return to the prior flotation process. The flotation separators are arranged as flow sheet. In this primary design, the equipment models selected are moderate, stable and efficient, compact configuration and les


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