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5 Unit 3 Language in use a bottle of pepsi-cola Two bottles of sprite I’d like to buy half a kilo of I’d like to buy two kilos of Tomatoes. beans. I’d like to buy two I’d like to buy one kilo of lemons. strawberries. I’d like to buy _____T-Shirt. I’d like to buy___ hat. a a Shopping list half a kilo of sausages a kilo of strawberries half a kilo of lemons five bottles of water ten pieces of cake a T-shirt a pair of shoes Where can I buy them? market supermarket clothes shop shoe shop S L S XL A: What can I do for you ? B: I’d like to buy …… .for my mother. A: What color does she like ? B: She likes… . A: What size does she take? B: she takes size… . A: What about this one ? B: May I try it on ? A: Certainly. B: How much is it ? A: 198 yuan. B: That’s too much. A: There’s a sale on today. Everything is half price. B: OK, I’ll take it. M L Can you tell me what are these ? strawberries they look fresh lemons they look fresh ,too。 beans Do they look fresh ? A:Can I help you ? B: Yes. I’d like to buy some… .How much are they ? A: …yuan a kilo. How much would you like? B: Half a kilo. A: Ok. What else would you like? B: A kilo of… A: That’ll be … yuan. B: Oh, the…look fresh. How much are they? A: Ten yuan a kilo. B: One kilo, please. Here’s ….yuan 5 元/kg 7 元/kg 10 元/kg 3元/kg half a kilo of sausages ¥40 / kilo a kilo of strawberries ¥10 / kilo half a kilo of lemons ¥16 / kilo five bottles of water ¥4 / bottle ten pieces of cake ¥6 / piece a T-shirt ¥200 yuan a pair of shoes¥100 yuan In the shop In the supermarket There is a sale on today. Everything is half price! ¥100yuan ¥50yuan ¥20/kilo ¥5/kilo ¥8/kilo ¥2/kilo ¥3/kilo 1、服装店 2、母亲节 3、为…买… 4、试穿 5、半价 6、多少钱 7、半公斤 8、看上去新鲜 9、降价出售 10、稍等一会儿 clothes shop Mother’s Day buy…for… try …..on half price how much half a kilo look fresh on sale wait a minute I’m very tired and I want to buy a new T-shirt. But I don’t want to go out. What should I do


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