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- PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 46- - PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1- 毕业设计说明书(论文)中文摘要 垂直循环单转换台式立体车库设计研究 摘 要 近年来随着我国国民经济的高速发展和城市化水平的不断加快,城市的机动车拥有量在飞速的增长。然而由于停车场地的严重缺乏,尤其是住宅小区内停车场地的不足,特别是以前建造的小区,由于在规划中没有充分考虑到汽车进入到家庭的速度和数量,没有预留出足够的空间停车,造成了车辆乱停乱放现象,间接地造成了城市交通的混乱,破坏了城市的居住环境和城市形象。 本文针对国内的现状,结合国外城市中心区停车设施建设的经验,听出了建立立体车库的构想立体车库空间利用率非常高,占地面积约为平面停车场的1/15一1/25,大大地节省了土地资源和土建开发成本。可以实现自动化操作,使用方便。建设成本大大低于传统停车场。配备自动检测系统、各种安全机构、自动报警系统、消防系统及其他防范设施,安全可靠。并且可以因地制宜,利用零星空地,配以美观的外形,美化城市环境。 本文从分析各种立体车库的具体特点出发,结合城市住宅小区具体环境情况,选择垂直循环式立体车库为研究开发对象。提出并确定了车库的总体方案;确立了车库的整体体系结构由机械结构和自动控制结构组成;设计了车库的整体尺寸;选择了车库的建材;确定了换向机构主要部件,并分别进行了选择和设计;确定了升降机构主要部件,并分别进行了选择、设计和校核;本文并给出了立体车库进出库及转化台的控制程序。 关键字 立体停车场 机械系统 自动化控制系统 PLC控制 垂直循环 毕业设计说明书(论文)外文摘要 Study and Design of Vertical circulation multi-layer lifting garage Abstract With the high-speed development of the national economy in our country and the acceleration of urbanization level,the number of the vehicle increases at very fast speed. Because of the serious lack of the Parking spaces,especially in residential districts,the Phenomenon of Parking confusedly is very common. This causes the confusion of the traffic indirectly,destroys the dwelling environment And the city image. At Present,Plane Parking spaces are usually adopted in most of our cities. The floor area of this kind of Parking spaces is large,the equipments are complex,the availability Parking spaces are few,and the insurance for Personnel and the vehicle is not good. This article for the domestic situation of foreign city, midtown park facilities for the experience, the establishment of a three-dimensional the concept of stereo garage space utilization is very high, it covers an area about the parking lot of 1 /5一1 /25 greatly reduce the land resources and development costs. You can implement automation, convenience. construction costs much lower than the traditional parking lot. equipped with automatic detection system and various security organs, the alarm systems, the system and other prev


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