English Writing Practice2013教程教案.ppt

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English Writing Practice2013教程教案.ppt

English Writing Practice 听下面这个电影片段 Legally Blonde (Unit I) what why how 语调:指人们说话时音调的高低变化。英语的基本语调是升调和降调,但是也还有平调以及先升后降或先降后升等变化,用来表达不同的意思、态度和感情。英语语调十分重要,也相当复杂。很多学习者,就是学不到正确的腔调。为了解决这个问题,学习者要先掌握基本规则,然后慢慢细心体会并模仿以英语为母语的人的腔调。(《现代大学英语语音教程》p159) 1. 什么是语调?(what) 2. 为什么要学习语调?(why) 3-5 怎样学好语调?(how) 3-4 为什么要按照下面的方法学语调? (why) 5 学习英语语调的三个重要环节是(what or how) 标准化英语考试之作文 CET4 2011年6月 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Online Shopping. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:    1. 现在网上购物已成为一种时尚    2. 网上购物有很多好处,但也有不少问题    3. 我的建议 六级作文:(2010年12月)   1. 目前高校排名相当盛行   2. 对于这种做法,人们看法不一   3. 我认为…… I. Sentence Analysis What + why 1. Liu Bei was scared to death when he was led into the princess’ room. It was filled with weapons of all kinds, hardly a proper setting for the wedding. 2. She takes after her mother. She also likes to take an active part in social reform. 3. I tooke him for an honest man and a nice comrade. But I was taken in. He was not the man I thought him to be. I. Sentence Analysis 4. Why are you staring ar me like that? Have I said something wrong. 5. Peace talks will be held between the two countries. Neither side wants fighting to break out again. 6. Mary worked harder than ever before; she knew she had to make up for the time she had lost. What + how 1. People are full of complaints. They complain, for example, of unemployment. 2. The employer agreed to give the umemployed worker free job training, and before long many of those employees were reemployed. I. Sentence Analysis Why + how(what) 1. In a few months, we all made big/huge/great progress in our studies. Everybody was in high spirits. 2. Sandy’s father could not stand the offensive music, so he asked her to turn it off/down. 3. Any unexpected movements can startle the animal, so it must be approached slowly and steadily. I. Sentence Analysis What + why + how


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