Lesson10 Touch the World教学文稿.ppt

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Lesson10 Touch the World教学文稿.ppt

雷庆瑶;What do you know about Helen Keller?;Helen’s Books ;Lesson10 Touch the world;教学目标; 1.When she was 19 months old, he ____ (fall)ill. 2.As she grew older, she ________(learn) _______(read). 3. She did her best ______(help) other people. 4. She will be _____ (great) missed. 5. These words didn’t mean __________ (something) to Hellen.;自主学习 Listening : True or False; 4.Helen’s teacher , Anne Sullivan taught her the first word--- “ mother ”. 5.Helen had special books with letters she could touch . 6.Helen Keller was very famous for her courage and hard work. ;Read the text and complete:;In 1887,Ann Sullivan began to help her, she spelled words on her hands ______________ (用她的手指) . As Helen ___________ (长大),she learned to read and speak _____________(通过触摸).With the help of Ann, she _________________ (完成了大学).She ______________(因…而出名)_____________(她的勇气)and______________(辛勤工作).She will __________________ (深深地怀念).;拓张延伸;2.She will be greatly missed. 这是一个将来时的被动语态,观察一下它的 谓语构成是________________________. (1)He’ll be 12 years old next month. A new bike ___________(give) to him as a birthday gift on that day. (2)Mum will buy me a new dress tomorrow. (被动语态) A new dress will ______ _________for me by mum tomorrow.;课堂检测 用正确形式填空。 1.Xu Teli is a famous __________.(教育家) 2. China is famous ____ the Great Wall.(填介词) 3.Linda wrote the first book ____________20.(在… 年龄) 4.The bag is _______ (fill) with books. 5.When she heard the news, she showed unusual ________.(勇气) ;What can you learn from Helen Keller’s story? ;Write a passage about Zhang Haidi.张海迪被称为中国的海伦 凯勒,根据她的故事写一篇短文(中国著名残疾人作家,哲学硕士,自学完成了小学、中学和大学的知识,并学习针灸,在当地行医) ;Thanks for listening!


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