Unit 1food and drink新起点大学英语读写教程教程教案.ppt

Unit 1food and drink新起点大学英语读写教程教程教案.ppt

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Unit 1food and drink新起点大学英语读写教程教程教案.ppt

Unit 1 Food and Drink; Food and Drink;Fast Food with Global Menu Discourse Analysis 1. Main Idea   Some of the most successful global businesses on the planet are fast food chains. The reason for their success is that they have accepted the differences of the diets around the world and tailored the restaurants to the cultural tastes of people in different countries.;Division of the Text Part One (paras. 1-2) Fast food chains are very successful and their key to success is tailoring menus to suit different tastes and cultures. Part Two (paras. 3-10) Fast food restaurant McDonald’s embraces the different preferences in foods and designs different menus to offer local favorites in different countries. Part One (para. 11) Fast food restaurants are ready and willing to sell people anything they desire to eat.6. ;Words, Phrases and Grammatical Points 1. tailor v. 1) make sth so that it is exactly right for someone’s particular needs or for a particular purpose (按特定口味、目的)修改;使配合,使适应 We can tailor our design to meet your request. 我们能调整我们的设计以满足你的要求。 This is a novel tailored to popular taste. 这是一本为迎合大众口味而创作的小说。 2) make clothes 缝制衣物 He wears a beautifully tailored suit. 他穿着一套漂亮的定制西装。 He tailored me an overcoat. 他为我定制了一件大衣。;2. preference n. 1) a greater liking for one thing over another or others 偏爱,喜好 She has a preference for cookies. 她特别喜欢饼干。 They have a strong preference for classical architecture. 他们对古典建筑有强烈的偏爱。 2) favor shown to one person, group, etc. rather than another 优待;优惠 (后接to/towards sb) We give preference to applicants with some experience. 我们优先录用有经验的申请人。 She tried not to show preference in her treatment of the children in her care. 她对待她所照顾的孩子尽可能不厚此薄彼。 3. suit v.  be acceptable for a particular person or in a particular situation 适合  Different countries have different ice cream flavors to suit their own food culture.  不同的国家都会改变冰激凌的口味,使之与本国的饮食文化相适应。;4. embrace v.  1) completely accept s


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