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华北科技学院毕业设计(论文) PAGE PAGE V 摘  要 随着小区住宅的增多,物业管理水平的提高,传统的人工管理模式已经不能满足业主和管理人员的要求;同时面对信息科技带来的优势,用软件或者系统来管理收费已成为了提高工作效率的手段之一,因此就为小区收费系统的开发提供了广阔的前景。 论文讨论了关于小区物业收费管理系统的主要内容,包括业主的房源信息、车位信息、日常收费信息、费用设定信息、数据备份信息的管理等。主要从三个方面来阐述小区物业收费管理系统的设计与开发,主要包括:系统管理用户;小区收费管理用户;业主用户。每个用户权责明确,各尽其职;从而实现了费用信息管理一体化,具有一定的现实意义和应用。 本系统基于B/S模式,涉及到web2.0开发的基本功能和技术,主要技术有JSP、Html、JavaScript、CSS、SQL Server2000等,采用了tomcat6.0服务容器和JRE1.5运行环境。 本系统的使用,对小区物业收费管理实现了又一次突破,给小区收费管理人员提供了极大的方便。 关键字:管理系统;Web2.0技术;数据库;软件测试 Abstract With the increase in residential housing, property management level, the traditional man-management has been unable to meet the owners and management personnel; also face the benefits of information technology, software or systems to improve management fees has become efficient means of, and therefore charges for the residential development of the system to provide a broad prospect. Discussion paper on the district property charge management system mainly include the owners of housing information, parking information, daily fee information, cost of setting information, data back-up information management. Described from three aspects to charge residential property management system design and development, including: system management user; cell charge management users; owner user. Clear responsibilities for each user, each doing its job; in order to achieve the integration of information management costs, has some practical significance and applications. The system is based on B / S model, involving the development of basic functions and web2.0 technology, the major technologies JSP, Html, JavaScript, CSS, SQL Server2000, etc., using tomcat6.0 service containers and JRE1.5 operating environment. The use of the system of residential property management fees once again achieved a breakthrough to the district management fees offer great convenience Key Words:Management system; Web2.0 technologies; database; software testing 目  录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z HYPERLINK \l _Toc 摘  要 PAGEREF


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