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Lesson57 An unusual day 不平凡的一天 起床 吃早饭 上课 吃午饭 休息 做运动 吃晚餐 做家庭作业 看电视 上床睡觉 get up have breakfast have lessons have lunch have a break do sports have dinner do homework watch TV go to bed 看小说 read novels 听音乐 listen to the music 看电影 go to the cinema 去音乐会 go to the concert 去看足球赛 go to watch the football match 玩游戏 play games 弹钢琴 play the piano 上网 surfing the Internet 说英语 speak English 去公园 go to the park New words and expressions oclock [?kl?k] adv. 点钟 =of the clock 1.Hello,Id like to reserve a table for two for eight o clock, please. 你好,我要订一张今晚八点两个人的餐桌。 2.Its eleven oclock now. 现在是十一点钟。 How to ask the time? 如何问时间? What time is it? What’s the time? Could you tell me the time? Excuse me, have you got the time? What time is it by your watch/ clock? How to tell the time?(1) 如何表达时间? Whats the time? Its about eight three. Its about three past eight. What time is it? Its nine five. Its five past nine. How to tell the time?(2) 如何表达时间? Can you tell me the time? Its one thirty-five. Its twenty-five to two. Excuse me, have you got the time? Yes. Its two forty-five. Yes. Its a quarter to three. quarter ---- 一刻,15分钟,1/4 half ------ 一半,30分钟,1/2 时间的英文表达方法 在英语中,时间表达的常用方法有两种。 一种是顺读法,先说时针所指的,后说分针所指的数字。如9:20,英语表达为:nine twenty. 9:50,英语表达为:nine fifty。 另一种是倒读法,所谓倒读就是先说分针所指,再说时针所指的数字。如9:20, 英语表达为:twenty past nine. 9:50,英语表达为: ten to ten。9:30, 英语表达为:half past nine。 从刚才的图例中看,我们可以把钟分作两半,半小时前的那半我们用了一个单词past(过),半小时以后的另一半我们用另一个单词to(差)来表达时间。 除此,在表达15分钟,以及45分钟时,我们用了一个单词quarter( 一刻)。一样道理,前半小时里用past,后半小时用to。9:15,英语表达为:a quarter past nine, 9:45则是a quarter to ten.意思是:差一刻就到10点。 What time is it? 1. It’s nine forty-five. ( It’s a quarter to ten.) 现在是九点四十五分。 (现在是差一刻十点。) 2. It’s two seventeen. ( It’s seventeen past two.) 现在是两点十七分。 (现在是两点过了十七分。) 9:45 2:17 3. It’s three o’clock. 现在是三点。 4. It’s nine thirty. ( It’s half pas


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