12、13 第十二十三周 存在句无主句教程教案.ppt

12、13 第十二十三周 存在句无主句教程教案.ppt

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12、13 第十二十三周 存在句无主句教程教案.ppt

汉语存在句的英译 2、时地语+有+名词(短语)+附加语 或 时地语+存在动词+名词(短语)+ 附加语 1)中国四川省有座峨眉山,山顶上有个舍身崖。 On the summit of Mt. Emei, located in China’s Sichuan province, there is precipice called the cliff of sacrifice. 2)在游廊的最左端,靠近一道门,却坐有一位将近三十岁的男子。 Close by a door at the extreme left of the veranda sat a man of about thirty. 3)荔枝林深处,隐隐露出一个白屋,那是温泉公社的养蜂场。 From deep in the lychee trees peeped the corner of white house where the Hotspring Commune kept their bees. 2、时地语+有+名词(短语)+附加语 或 时地语+存在动词+名词(短语)+ 附加语 4)车厢里先探出个头来,紫酱色的一张方脸,浓眉毛,圆眼睛。 From the window of the car struck out cautiously a head with a square, pimply purplish face, thick eyebrows and round eyes. 5)今天下午有球赛,棋逢对手,一定精彩。 This afternoon’s ball game is sure to be an exciting one, for the two sides are well-matched. 6)这两天我们大院里又透着热闹,出了人命。 A pretty kick-up has been the order of the day again in our compound lately, for a life has been lost. 试评析 山谷顶端,残留着一座道教建筑,名叫“黄龙古寺”。寺前有一溶洞,深邃莫测。寺后有一石峰,除碑檐外,几乎被碳酸钙沉积淹没,碑文已不可辨认。 原译:On the hill top stands the Yellow Dragon Monastery, a Taoist retreat built in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). A karst cave lies before it, and a stone tablet was erected behind. All but the top of the tablet has been eroded by calcium carbonate, and the inscriptions have become unreadable. 山谷顶端,残留着一座道教建筑,名叫“黄龙古寺”。寺前有一溶洞,深邃莫测。寺后有一石峰,除碑檐外,几乎被碳酸钙沉积淹没,碑文已不可辨认。 原文通过“山谷顶端”~“古寺”、“寺前”~“溶洞”、“寺后”~“石碑”~“碑檐”、“碑文”等一系列的“主题-说明”结构,将古寺的方位及其周围的事物交代得一清二楚,空间关系十分明确。 On the hill top stands the Yellow Dragon Monastery, a Taoist retreat built in the Ming Dynasty(1368-1644). A karst cave lies before it, and a stone tablet was erected behind. All but the top of the tablet has been eroded by calcium carbonate, and the inscriptions have become unreadable. 译文虽然把原文的每一事物也做了详细交代,但由于断句不当且频频更换主语,使得译文的空间关系有些凌乱。 表达时不仅要注意句子内部成分的意义是否忠实无误,还要特别重视各成分之间的语义关系是否也正确无误,这就要依靠词序安排及对句子主语的选择。建议改译如下: 山谷顶端,残留着一座道教建筑,名叫“黄龙古寺”。寺前有一溶洞,深邃莫测。寺后有一石峰,除碑檐外,几乎被碳酸钙沉积淹没,碑文已不可辨认。 原:On the hill top stands the Yellow Dragon Monastery, a Taoist retreat built in the Ming Dynasty(1368-1644). A k



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