Unit 7 Shopping Welcome to this unit新学期备课教材 牛津译林版七年级上.ppt

Unit 7 Shopping Welcome to this unit新学期备课教材 牛津译林版七年级上.ppt

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Unit 7 Shopping Welcome to this unit新学期备课教材 牛津译林版七年级上.ppt

Unit 7 Shopping;Usually people put a Christmas tree in their dining room.;a stamp;Some clothes;Jeremy Lin;a music CD;some books;Talking about presents; 1.Daniel want s to buy ________ a present. Millie B. Simon C. himself 2.What is Daniel going to buy? __________. A. A Music CD A Christmas card C. Some stamps;;Make a dialogue with your partner: A: Hi,.... Christmas is coming. I want to buy a present for my friend... B: What about ….? A: I’m not sure. Maybe he’s/she’s interested in… B: Then you can buy….. I know he/she likes …. A: Good idea!; a shopping mall 大型购物中心;supermarket;bookshop; Many different shops;(1) If you want to buy a watch for your father, you can go to a _______________. (2) There are different kinds of books in a ___________. (3) Look at the beautiful clothes in this ______________! (4) We can go to a _________________ to buy the food for the birthday party. (5) Simon likes sports. We can find something good for him in a ________________. (6) Let’s go to this _______________ to find a pair of shoes to match my new skirt. (7) I have a teddy bear. You can also buy one in a______. (8) Flowers are a nice birthday present. We can buy some in a _________________.;Hobo also wants to go shopping.;Eddie likes shopping.( ) (2) Hobo doesn’t have money to go shopping.( ) (3) Hobo needs Eddie to buy some presents. ( ) ;I have no money.;根据课文内容及括号中的内容填空: Hobo is _____(空闲) on Sunday.There is a new mall______(沿着) the street. He wants _____ (go) _________(shop) , but he doesn’t have _______(some) money He is asking his______ (主人), Eddie, for help. “Eddie, please ______ (come) with me. I need you_______ (carry) all the bags.” But Eddie_____________ (not want) to go.;Act out;Retell the conversation according to the pictures:;将下列词组译成英文: (1)想要你和我去______________________ (2)跟我来__________________________ (3)需要你搬所有的包____________________ (4.) 鞋店______________________________ (5.)一个新的大型购物中心_______________ (6.) 礼品店__________________________


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