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* * Unit 2 Shopping Reading Going Shopping Ⅲ Sentences 1 你想买什么? 2 需要帮忙吗? 3 请你拿给我一件丝绸衬衫好吗? What would you like to buy ? May I help you ? Would you please show me a silk blouse? 4 现在中国丝绸衬衫很流行。 5 你妻子穿什么尺寸的? 6 你觉得这件怎么样 1) 2) Chinese silk blouses are in style now. What size does your wife wear? How do you like this one ? What do you think of this one? Page 13 Ⅱ Phrases 1 担心,忧虑_______________ 2 总计,合计_______________ 3 现金付款 ________________ 4 信用卡 __________________ worry about in total in cash credit card Ⅲ Sentences 1 你的妻子比较喜欢什么颜色? 2 这件怎么样? 3 你为什么不为你的妻子买两件呢? What color does your wife prefer? How about this one? Why dont you buy two for your wife? 4 这种颜色不容易褪色。只要告诉你的妻子在冷水里轻轻地洗。 5 这两件我都要了。 6 请问总共多少钱? How much is it in total? Ill take both of them. The color will not fade easily. Just tell your wife to wash them gently in cold water. 7 你想怎样付款? 8 请在这签名! 9 我相信在那里你会找到你想要的东西。 How would you like to pay? Please sign here. Im sure you can find what you want there. Part 2 Language points 1 go shopping 购物= do some shopping go + v- ing do some doing 总结短语: 2 leave leave...for 离开……去 那个老人离开了北京去上海。 The old man ________Beijing ________ Shanghai. leave sb doing 留下保持某种状态 那个女人让这个小男孩在太阳下站着。 The woman leaves the little boy ________ in the sun. 3 help help sb with sth 在……帮助某人 The young man always _________ the old ________ their homework. with the help of sb 在……帮助下 在老师的帮助下,我很快提高了我的英语。_____________ the help ________ my teacher, I improve my English quickly. 4 in style = in ___________ 在流行中 The coat ________ in________ now. 5 wear ,dress,put on比较 1)__________ 穿上,强调动作; 2)_____________ 强调状态。 3)dress 给别人穿衣服 ______________ 4) be __________ in 穿着... (1)他穿上大衣出去了。 He _________ on his coat and goes _________. (2 ) 她在家穿牛仔。She ____________ jeans at home. The girl is ________ herself. The little boy _______ _________ ________ a red coat today. *


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