
船用雷达 操作手册.pdf

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船用雷达 操作手册

附录 2. 数字接口 输入语句(RP 电路板、J4 ) BWC*, BWR*, DBS, DBT, DPT, DTM, GGA, GLC, GLL, HDT, MTW, MWV, RMA, RMB, RMC, RTE VBW, VDR, VHW, VTG, VWR, VWT, WPL, ZDA, !AIVDM, !AIVDO, $AIALR 输出语句 OSD, TLL*, TTM, RSD * :不适用于 IMO 型雷达 数据接收 根据 IEC 61162-2 中引用的标准,数据以串行异步的形式接收。 使用的参数如下: Baud rate:38,400 bps:HDT, !AIVDM, !AIVDO and $AIALR. All other sentences:4800 bps Data bits:8 (D7 = 0), Parity:none, Stop bits:1 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Start Stop bit Data bits bit 数据语句 使用的数据显示为粗斜体。 输入语句 BWC - Bearing and distance to waypoint (Not available on IMO radar) $--BWC,, llll.ll, a yyyyy.yy, a, x.x, T, x.x, M, x.x, N, c--c, a*hhCRLF Checksum Mode indicator (see note 1) Waypoint ID Distance, nautical miles Bearing, degrees magnetic Bearing, degrees true Waypoint longitude, E/W Waypoint latitude, N/S UTC of observation* NOTE 1: Positioning system Mode indicator: A = Autonomous D = Differential E = Estimated (dead reckoning) M = Manual input S = Simulator N = Data not valid The Mode indicator field shall not be a null field. AP-8 附录 BWR - Bearing and distance to waypoint - rhumb line (Not available on IMO radar) $--BWR,hh


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