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Lingling’s hero My hero Who is your hero? 一千个人眼中有一千个哈姆雷特 一千个人心中有一千个英雄的传说 抗战老兵 边防战士 艰苦训练 妻子墓前 昌邑市外国语学校 赵香玉 M3 Heroes Revision 11.的确 12.加拿大(人)的 13.生病的 14.军人,士兵 15.治疗 16.战争 17.伤口 18.受伤的 19.意识到 20.垂死的 11.simply 12.Canadian 13.sick 14.solider 15.treat 16.war 17.wound 18.wounded 19.realise 20.dying 21.工具 22.发明(n) 23.有用的 24.休息 25.他自己 26.设法完成 27.手术 28.继续 29.加拿大 30.照顾 21.tool 22.invention 23.useful 24.rest 25.himself 26.manage 27.operation 28.continue 29.Canada 30.care 星火拓展:先自主后合作 1.whatever=______ _________ _________ 拓展:-ever:____________ _____________ ____________ _____________ 2. amaze v.使大吃一惊 adj.(物)令人吃惊的___________ adj.(人)令人吃惊的___________ no matter what whenever wherever whoever however amazed amazing 3.die v.死亡,死 adj.死了的___________ adj.垂死的___________ n.死亡______________ 死于_________________ 为…而死______________ die for die of/from death dying dead Bingo 4.use v.使用 adj.有用的___________ adj.没用的___________ 用某物做某事_________________ useful useless use sth to do sth 6.invent v.发明 v.发现___________ n.发明,发明物____________ discover invention 5.care v.照顾;关心 adj.细心的_______adv.细心地_________ adj.粗心的________ 粗心地___________ 照顾(好)______(_______)_______ _____ =_______ ______ (_______) =_______ _______ 7.wound n. 伤口 ____________adj. 受伤的 careful carefully careless carelessly take good care of look after well care for wounded 活学活用: 根据所给词的适当形式填空 1._________(when) you leave, I will send you to the airport. 2.She is ___________(amazing) that I don’t know her. 3.Dr Bethune treated the _________(wound) sliders, but he died of his own ________(wound). 4.The little dog is _______(die) ,but the mother d


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