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Home Care after Total Joint Replacement Follow these guidelines for care as your new joint heals over the next 6 to 8 weeks. Do not try to overdo or push yourself beyond the limits of pain. Home Care • You will leave the hospital 1 to 3 days after surgery. Home care instructions will be reviewed with you. You will need a follow-up appointment. You will either be given a date or a telephone number to call for an appointment. • Your medicines may change after surgery. You will be given prescriptions for new medicines and instructed on which medicines to continue after your surgery. • Use your walker or cane as instructed. • You will need help when you go home. If needed, your health care team will help you make arrangements for home care, equipment, physical therapy or an extended care facility. Call your doctor right away if you have: • Increased redness, swelling or drainage at the incision • A fever over 101 degrees F or 38 degrees C • Edges of the wound that start to separate • Pain, tingling, numbness or coldness of the leg • Your leg turns pale or blue in color 1 全关节置换术后患者的家庭护理 全关节置换手术后,新关节需要6至8周时间才能痊愈,在此期间须 遵守下列护理原则。切勿勉强自己或强忍疼痛。 家庭护理 • 您会在手术后1至3天出院。医院会向您说明家庭护理的注意事 项。手术后须预约复诊一次。医院会提供复诊日期或复诊预约电 话号码。 • 手术后,服用的药物可能会有变化。医院方面会开新药物的处 方,并说明手术后继续服用哪些药物。 • 遵医嘱使用助行器或拐杖。 • 出院回家时需要有人从旁协助。必要时,医护人员会协助您安排 家庭护理、设备、物理治疗或长期护理机构。 如有以下情况,请立即找医生: • 手术切口发红、浮肿程度或渗出液体增加 • 发烧超过华氏101度(摄氏38度) • 手术刀口裂开 • 腿部疼痛、搔痒、麻木或发寒 • 腿部发白或发青 Home Care after Total Joint Replacement. Simplified Chinese. 1 Care of Your Incision • Your incision may be closed with staples, stitches or special tapes called steri-strips. • Gently wash your incision with soap and water and pat dry with a clean towel. Do not apply lotion or powders near your incision. • You can take a shower 2 days after your surgery. Do not let the shower water spray directly onto t


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