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摘 要 本设计包括三个部分:一般部分、专题部分和翻译部分。 一般部分为陈四楼1.8 Mt/a新井设计。陈四楼煤矿位于河南省永城市西北郊区,交通较为便利。井田倾向(东西)长约4.20 km,走向(南北)长约5.90km,井田总面积为24.78km2。主采煤层为2#煤层,平均倾角为10.23°,煤层平均厚度为4.96 m。井田地质条件较为简单。 井田工业储量为177.638Mt,矿井设计可采储量129.985Mt 。该矿井服务年限为55.55a,矿井正常涌水量为894 m3/h,最大涌水量为1200 m3/h。矿井瓦斯涌出量较低,为低瓦斯矿井。 井田为立井两水平上下山开拓;大采高一次采全厚采煤法;矿井通风方式为中央并列式。 矿井年工作日为330d,工作制度为“三八”制。 一般部分共包括10章:1.矿区概述及井田地质特征;2.井田境界和储量;3.矿井工作制度、设计生产能力及服务年限;4.井田开拓;5.准备方式-带区巷道布置;6.采煤方法;7.井下运输;8.矿井提升;9.矿井通风与安全技术;10.矿井基本技术经济指标。 专题部分的题目为: 矿井底板水突出可能性预测及防治。 翻译部分主要为澳大利亚充填开采土力学因素,英文题目为:Geotechnical considerations in mine backfilling in Australia。 关键字:陈四楼矿井;综采大采高;中央并列式;底板水突出;充填 ABSTRACT This design includes of three parts: the general part, special subject part and translated part. The general part is a new design of Chensilou mine. Chensilou mine lines in north-west of Yongcheng in Henan province. The traffic of road and railway is convenience to the mine. The width of the minefield is 4.20 km ,the width is about 5.90 km,well farmland total area is 24.78 km2.The two is the main coal seam, and its average dip angle is 10.23 degree. The thickness of the mine is about 4.96 m in all. The field geological conditions are simple. The proved reserves of the minefield are 177.638 Mt. The recoverable reserves are 129.985 Mt. And the service life of the mine is 55.55 years. The normal flow of the mine is 894 m3 percent hour and the max flow of the mine is 1200 m3 percent hour. The mineral well gas gushes the deal lower, for low gas mineral well. Field of vertical shaft transformation on two levels down the mountain development; Big mining height in one times the thick coal method; Mine ventilation way as the central paratactic type. The working system “three-eight” is used in the Chensilou mine. It produced 330 d/a. This design includes ten chapters: 1.An outline of the mine field geology; 2.Boundary and the reserves of mine; 3.The service life and working system of mine; 4.development engineering of coalfield; 5. The Ways to prepare-arrange tunn



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