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* * LOGO LOGO * * I am going to be chairman in the future. I am going to travel back to Qing dynasty one day. I am going to be a superstar tomorrow. 一般将来时概念: 用于表示(主观意愿)计划,准备,打算做某事 I am going to be a superstar tomorrow. I am going to play kongfu next month. I am going to travel back to Qing dynasty one day. 一般将来时构成: 主语+be动词+going+to+V原型 be going to 句型 1. 结构:“主语+ am/is/are + going to +动词原形+其他”构成 。常与表将来的时间状语连用。 2. 用法: 1) 表示“打算”、 “计划” 、“准备” 做某事。 eg:I am going to make fruit salad this afternoon. eg:They are going to visit our school tomorrow. eg:He is going to stay at home this weekend. 2) 表示按计划、安排将要发生的事: The meeting is going to begin at nine. 会议将在9点开始。 Where are you going to build the road? 你们将在什么地方筑路? 3) 表示预言一件事即将发生: Its going to rain! 天要下雨了! He‘s going to die! 他快要死了! 3. be going to do句型的否定句与疑问句。 eg: George is going to visit his mother. 乔治打算看望他的妈妈。 ① 在be动词后面加上not变为否定句: George is not going to visit his mother. ② 将be动词提至句首变为一般疑问句: Is George going to visit his mother? ③ 特殊疑问词加一般疑问句变为特殊疑 问句 What is George going to do? have lunch. --What is he going to do? --He is going to … because hes hungry. --Why is he going to have lunch? --He is going to have lunch --What is she going to do tomorrow? --She is going to ... have a swim. --Why is she going to have a swim tomorrow? --She is going to have a swim because shes hot. 梦 想 剧 场 be a good teacher like English and children What are you going to do in the future? ---I’m going to … Why are you going to do that ? ---I’m going to …because... basketball is interesting be a basketball player What is he going to do in the future? ---He is going to … Why is he going to do that ? ---He is going to …because... Talk about your future jobs with “be going to…”. *


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