中职英语最基础模块下册Unit2going shopping.ppt

中职英语最基础模块下册Unit2going shopping.ppt

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中职英语最基础模块下册Unit2going shopping.ppt

Unit 2 Shopping Warming Up Boys and girls, I want to go shopping this weekend, but I don’t know which store I should go to. I want to buy a T-shirt for my dad and a pair of shoes for my mom. Where do you usually do some shopping? Who’d like to give me some advice? . I think you’d better go to…to buy…, because ….are cheaper there. If you want to buy …, you’d better go to …. There are variety of…for women/man. I usually go to …. I think the service there is better than other places. Now Let’s look at which shops Zhang Ling will lead Mr. Wallace to. 学习内容分析与要求 本单元的中心话题是 “购物”, 主要内容是 Mr. Wallace 在导游的带领下,在秀水市场 和王府井大街的购物情景。 Zhang Ling, a guide, is leading Mr.Wallace to do some shopping. Now, let’s read and try to know where they will go and what Mr. Wallace will buy. 任务一 快速阅读对话,回答下列问题。并将对话中理解有难度的语句提出来。 1. Who is Mr Wallace? 2. What does Mr Wallace want to buy in Beijing? 3. What is the size of the blouse that his wife wears? 4. Why does the salesgirl think Mr Wallace is right to buy his wife a silk blouse? 5. What should Mr wallace tell his wife about the silk blouse? 1. Mr Wallace is a tourist from Australia. 2. He wants to buy a silk blouse for his wife, some souvenirs and some gifts for his friends. 3. She usually wears the extra large ones. 4. Because Chinese silk blouses are in style now. 5. Mr Wallace has to tell his wife to wash the silk blouse gently in cold water. 小组探究 问题一: go shopping和do shopping有什么 区别? 问题二: Oh, it looks so nice! 句中的look后为什么跟一个形容词nice? 问题三: Do you take Visa card? 什么是Visa card? 问题一:do shopping 和go shopping的区别不大, 一般可以通用。 Do (some) shopping表示“买一些东西”,侧重“买”; 而go shopping表示“去买东西”, 侧重于“去”。 我今天要去买点东西。 I am going to do some shopping today. 我父亲喜欢买东西。(逛街) My father likes to go shopping. 问题二: Oh, it looks so nice! “啊, 这件看起来很好!” 这个句子是“主系表” 结构, 本句中look是系动词 “看起来…”, nice是形容词做表语。 与look这个词相似的系动词还有:sound听起来;taste品尝起来; feel觉得;smell闻起来。如


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