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. PAGE .. PAGE I 学号 学号 毕业论文(设计) 题 目 营销专业学生人格特点研究 学生姓名 专业班级 指导教师 院 (系) 2009年4月10日 ——基于浙江万里学院各专业学生的比较分析 . .. 摘 要 随着大学生数量大幅度的增加,以及2009年的金融危机的影响,现在我国大学毕业生面临严重的“就业难”现象。这不仅是高校需要面对的大问题,更是国家乃至整个社会的大问题。 大学生就业与其人格特点密切相关。特定的人格特点反映其适合相应的工作性质。现在,越来越多的企业在招聘时注重学生的人格特点,使其与岗位要求相一致。这就需要学校着重培养适应社会需求的综合性人才。因此,大学生的人格特点也将越来越被重视。但是由于现在对各专业大学生人格特点的定性研究较多,而实证研究较少。 因此本文选择了这个题目。通过查阅大量文献,设计调查问卷并且通过现场发送等形式对浙江万里学院各专业学生进行调查研究,对营销专业与其他专业学生的人格特点比较分析,并对统计结果进行解释,发现各专业的学生人格特点存在明显的差异。并在这基础上提出本研究对学生的选择志愿和学习内容的选择、高校的课程体系的设计和课堂组织以及企业的人才招聘和培训的启示和借鉴意义。 关键词:营销专业;人格特点;大五人格问卷 . .. Abstract With the substantial increase in the number of university students, together with the 2009 financial crisis, college students are facing an unprecedented difficult job phenomenon. This is not only a big problem in schools, but also national as well as the major problem of society. Graduates are now closely related to their personality characteristics. Specific personality characteristics reflect the nature of the work for the corresponding. Now, more and more enterprises focus on personality characteristics of students in the recruitment, to make it consistent with the job requirements. This requires schools to meet the social needs of emphasis on cultivating a comprehensive talent. Thus, the personality characteristics of university students will also be paying more and more attention. However, college students are now on the personality characteristics of qualitative research more, but less empirical research. So chosen the topic of this article .Through access to a large number of literature, design the questionnaire and send the form through the scene of the Zhejiang Wanli University students conduct a survey of marketing professionals and other professional students, a comparative analysis of personality characteristics, and interpretation of statistical results on this basis In this study, the students made the choice of voluntary choice of content and learning, institutions of higher learning of the curriculum


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