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2017 National English Competition for College Students (Level B - Preliminary) 参考答案及作文评分标准 Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks) Section A (5 marks) 1 5 CADBB Section B (10 marks) 6 10 TFFTF 11 15 CADCC Section C (5 marks) 16 20 BABCD Section D (10 marks) Dictation 21. interfere with; 22. readily; 23. a handful of; 24. extensive research; 25. manufacture and disposal; Summary 26. originality and creativity; 27. authorship; 28. musical compositions; 29. without permission; 30. designs and slogans; Part II Vocabulary Grammar (15 marks) 31 35 ABACD 36 40 DBDAB 41 45 DBCAB Part III Cloze (10 marks) 46. opportunity; 47. Heritage; 48. where; 49. freshest; 50. ingredient; 51. renovated; 52. a; 53. mountainous; 54. extinction; 55. without; Part IV Reading Comprehension (35 marks) Section A (5 marks) 56. Symptoms; 57. a single disease; 58. molecular appearance; 59. severe limitation; 60. immune response; Section B (10 marks) 61 65 CGADE Section C (10 marks) 66. By doing so, they can keep boredom at bay/will not feel bored. 67. People with views few residents share can feel powerless and isolated. 68. In civic engagements/matters. 69. Most people in Meghalaya only know the old ways and they prefer their old ways of life. 70. To show that society can take many different forms. - 1 - Section D (10 marks) 71. optimism and hope; 72. rebellious; 73. summit; 74. unworthy of; 75. complexity and diversity; Part V Translation (15 marks) Section A (5 marks) 76. 根据上周二发布的一项报告,尽管雾霾严重,但是北京仍凭借其“软环境”成为毕业生找工作的首选 之地。中国首都/北京因其社会环境、经济发展、基础设施、消费习惯及国际化氛围,仍是求职者的首 选。尽管大都市仍是求职者的首选,不过在过去的三年里,已经有越来越多的大学毕业生在地级市甚 至更小的城市工作。 Section B (10 marks) 77. Fortunately, Britain still has a world-leading


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