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依托社区卫生服务中心的工业园区企业职工健康管理服务模式探索与实践   摘 要 目的:了解金山工业园区企业职工健康状况,探索和构建符合此类人群的健康管理服务模式。方法:通过文献查阅、实地走访和专家论证形成健康管理模式,采用问卷调查对其实施的效果进行对比分析。结果:实施健康管理服务模式后,企业职工的自觉健康状况、生活习惯和健康认知均有所改善和提升,体检率达到100%,职工对社区服务知晓率由71.2%增加至99.2%,满意度也由78.3%提升至98.3%。结论:依托社区卫生服务中心的企业职工健康管理服务模式是较好地适合我国国情的一种企业员工健康管理服务模式。   关键词 健康管理 企业职工 社区卫生服务中心   中图分类号:R193 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2015)20-0053-03   Exploration and practice of the health management service mode for the employees in the industrial zone enterprises relying on the community health service center   WU Jing, WU Huanyun, LIU Rui   (Industrial zone Community Health Service Center of Jinshan District, Shanghai 200540, China)   ABSTRACT Objective: To learn the health state of the enterprise employees in the Jinshan Industrial Zone to explore and build a kind of the health management service mode which complied with this population. Methods: The health management service mode was built through consulting the literatures, on-the-spot visiting and experts’ demonstration and its implementation effect was compared and analyzed by the questionnaire survey. Results: After the implementation of this health management service mode, the conscious health status, living habit and health awareness of the enterprise employees were improved and enhanced. The health examination rate was 100%, the awareness rate of the community service was increased from 71.2% to 99.2% and the satisfaction rate was also enhanced from 78.3% to 98.3%. Conclusion: Relying on the community health service center, the health management service mode for the employees in the enterprises is one kind of the good health management modes which suits the health management service for the enterprise employees.   KEY WORDS employee in the enterprise; community health service center; health management   健康管理是一种对个体或群体的健康、疾病因素进行全面干预,以实现“防患于未然”为目的管理过程,其具体做法是评价个人的健康状况,为个人提供有针对性的健康指导和治疗,最终使个体或群体保持可能实现的最佳健康状态。企业健康管理就是应用现代医学科技和信息技术从社会、生理、心理角度系统地关注和维护企业员工健康[1]。健康管理无论对个人和企业,几乎都有这样一个规律,即90%和10%,具体地说


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