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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 13 從實體到虛擬市場-使用者轉換意圖與轉換行為 影響因素之探討 From Physical to Visual Market – The Factors that Effect User’s Intension toward Switch and Behavior toward Switch 李國瑋 南台科技大學企業管理研究所 蔡明田 成功大學企業管理研究所 Lee, Kuo-Wei Department of Business Administration, Southern Taiwa Tsai, Ming-Ten Department of Business Administration, National 通訊作者: 李國瑋 ( HYPERLINK mailto:kuowei@.tw kuowei@.tw) 從實體到虛擬市場-使用者轉換意圖與轉換行為 影響因素之探討 李國瑋a 蔡明田b a 南台科技大學企研所 b 成功大學企研所 摘要 過去研究雖已針對使用者對虛擬市場(網路科技,如網路銀行)的接受度加以探討,但將實體市場相關層面納入探討至今則仍付之闕如。唯由於實體市場與虛擬市場具備一定替代效果,當使用者虛擬市場的使用頻率愈高,則意謂著使用者實體市場的使用頻率將隨之減低,在兩者具備一定替代性的前提下,實體市場的相關因素,如實體市場的關係慣性,即可能會對使用者虛擬市場的接受行為造成影響。 本研究目的旨在針對使用者從實體銀行移轉至網路銀行的轉換意圖與轉換行為之影響因素進行探討與驗證。在問卷發放上,總計發出400份問卷,回收 245份有效問卷,有效回收率為61.25%。研究結果顯示使用者從實體到虛擬市場的轉換意圖會受到移轉效益與移轉成本的影響;同時,使用者的轉換意圖會進一步影響其轉換行為;最後,當使用者對實體銀行的關係慣性程度愈高,以及對實體銀行的滿意度愈高,則將會進一步弱化使用者轉換意圖與轉換行為之間關係。 關鍵字: 實體市場、虛擬市場、轉換意圖、成本-效益觀點、網路銀行 From Physical to Visual Market – The Factors that Effect User’s Intension toward Switch and Behavior toward Switch Lee, Kuo-Wei a, Tsai, Ming-Ten b a Department of Business Administration, Southern Taiwan University b Department of Business Administration, National Abstract Even though scholars have placed valuable focus on the usage attitude and intension towards visual market (online technology, e.g. e.g. online-banking), there are still few related studies to include the potential effect of physical market. Since physical and visual markets have some substitution effect, meaning as users utilize the visual market more frequently, they use the physical market less regularly. Under this premise, the factors relating to physical market, e.g. users’ inertia to physical bank, may has a potential effect on the user’s acceptance of visual market. The primary goal of this study is to explore the factors that affect the attitude and intension towards switch from physical to visual market in the context of online banking. In total, 400 questionnaires were sent out and 245 effective questionnaires were r


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