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(2)转译为状语从句 例一:The blood flow may be increased by more rapid and vigorous heart action, which accelerates the movement of heart to the skin. (which引导的定语从句转译为结果状语从句)血流可因更快和更有力的心脏活动而增加,这就使热量加速移到皮肤。 例二:The disease, which may occur at any age, is more frequent in early adult life. (which引导的定语从句转译为让步状语人句) 此病虽可发生于任何年龄,但在青壮年中最 为常见。 (3)转译为同位语,经常用“即”引出。 例一:The dosage should be decreased gradually to the minimal effective level which may be as low as 100 mg daily. 剂量应逐渐减少到最低有效水平,即日剂量低至100mg。 例二:As a few hours more go by, the pain tends to localize in the right lower part of the abdomen, which is the region of appendix. 几小时后,疼痛局限于右下腹,即阑尾区。 (4)使用适当的标点符号、破折号等来处理定语从句。 例一:When in doubt, which is not infrequent, one will establish the diagnosis by laparotomy. 如有怀疑(这种情况也是常见的,)可通过剖腹术确定诊断。 例二:A microscopic examination of the urine determines the presence of nephritis, which is the most common kidney disease. 尿的显微镜检查可确定是否患肾炎——一种 最常见的肾病。 Thank you! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Speaker:Wu Liping M8450111024 6.2 部分否定 英语中all, both, every, many, much, always, often等词与not搭配使用时,表示部分否定。通常译作“不都是”、“不全是”、“不多”、“不常”等。 例一:Not all the drugs are absorbed in the stomach. 并非全部药物都在胃中被吸收。 例二:All X-ray machines in this hospital are not produced in our country. 这个医院的X线机并非都是国产的。 例三:Both of the substances do not dissolve in water. 这两种物质并不都溶于水。 例一:Prolonged absence of the antagonists leads to chronic spasticity of the uninvolved muscles. (absence转换为动词,译为“不起作用”) 拮抗肌长期不起作用导致腱侧肌肉的慢性退化。 例二:In many cases ,a simple cause may be responsible for failure of the ulcer to heal. 在很多病例中,某个简单的原因就可能使溃疡不能愈合。 6.3 准否定 (1)表示准否定的名词有:absence(缺乏、没有),freedom (没有), failure(未能), lack(缺少、没有), inability(不能、无力)等。 例一:Bypass operation seems indicated when obstructive symptoms fail to respond to medical treatment. 内科治疗肠梗阻无效时,就要考虑行分流术。 例二:The ulcer refused to heal. 溃疡不愈合。 例三: The patient denied a family history of his disease. 病人说他的病没有家族史. (2)表示准否定的动词有:fail(未能、失败),deny(否认),miss(错过),over look(忽略、看不到),exclude(排除


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