管理学第9章 导与信任.ppt

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管理学第9章 导与信任

Copyright ?2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 韩国的领导者希望与员工建立家长式的关系 阿拉伯的领导者在没有要求的情况下显示出友善和慷慨会被其他阿拉伯人认为是软弱的表现 日本的领导者被认为是谦虚的并需要经常发言 北欧和荷兰的管理者在公众场所赞扬个人很可能是为了使他尴尬而不是激励 在马来西亚,与采用参与式领导风格相比,有效的领导者更多地采用独裁式的领导风格,同时会表现出同情心 有效的德国领导者的特征是高绩效导向、低关怀、低自我保护、低团队导向、高度自治和高度参与 图11-8 跨文化领导 信任是领导的实质 信用 下属用以评价领导者在诚实、胜任力和激励下属的能力等方面的程度。 信任 对领导者的诚信、品质和能力的信念。 Copyright ?2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. Copyright ?2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. Our definition of a leader is someone who can influence others and who has managerial authority. Leadership is a process of leading a group and influencing that group to achieve its goals. It’s what leaders do. * The search for traits or characteristics that differentiate leaders from nonleaders dominated early leadership research efforts. If the concept of traits were valid, all leaders would have to possess specific characteristics. * However, later attempts to identify traits consistently associated with leadership (the process, not the person) were more successful. The seven traits shown to be associated with effective leadership are described briefly in Exhibit 11-1 * A number of studies looked at behavioral styles. We’ll briefly review three of the most popular: Kurt Lewin’s studies at the University of Iowa, the Ohio State studies, and the University of Michigan studies. Then we’ll see how the concepts developed in those studies were used in a grid created for appraising leadership styles * One of the first studies of leadership behavior was done by Kurt Lewin and his associates at the University of Iowa. Researchers explored three leadership behaviors or styles: autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire. An autocratic style is that of a leader who typically tends to centralize authority, dictate work methods, make unilateral decisions, and limit employee participation. A leader with a democratic style tends to involve employees in decision making, delegates author


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