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溫室氣體減量與二氧化碳封存論壇議題 一、明天過後~溫室效應與二氧化碳排放(Greenhouse effect and CO2 emission) 在地球過去的歷史上也曾經有大氣中二氧化碳濃度比現在高的紀錄,或許現在的高二氧化碳濃度只是正常現象,如果以人為方式降低二氧化碳濃度,是不是有違自然生態的發展? In the Earth’s past history there were periods when the CO2 concentration of the atmosphere was even higher than the present day. Perhaps the high CO2 concentration at present time is just a result of natural cycle. Is it against the natural development if the concentration is to be lowered artificially? 地球的溫室效應到底嚴重到什麼程度?減量是否有其迫切性? How bad is the greenhouse effect? Is it so urgent to reduce CO2 emission right now? 各國二氧化碳排放與減量情形?如何合理估算?國際減量決心與共識如何? How much CO2 do other countries emit and what do they do about it? How to reasonably estimate reduction? Is there a consensus in terms of emission reduction among all nations? 台灣二氧化碳排放與減量措施?既定減量措施是否已能應付國際要求? How much is Taiwan’s emission and what are the action plans? Are the action plans effective enough to meet the goal that international society set for Taiwan? 二氧化碳是污染物?對人體有何影響?地球氣候變暖,有助於作物生長,缺點真比優點多? Is CO2 a pollutant? How does it effect human? Global warming is contributive to vegetation, is it really a bad thing? 台灣是否真會面臨國際壓力?我國非聯合國會員國,亦非京都議定書 簽約國,相關約定對台灣有約束力嗎? Is it true that Taiwan will face the pressure from international society? Taiwan is not a member of UN nor a signatory country of Kyoto protocol, Do we have to follow the rules? 二、可以有其他選擇~二氧化碳捕捉、純化、再利用與封存(Capture, purification, reuse and storage of CO2) 國外二氧化碳捕獲、純化方面發展現況如何?其成本為何? What about the development of CO2 capture and purification in other countries? What is the cost? 二氧化碳再利用可產生更高價值,是否更值得發展? The reuse of CO2 has higher values, shouldn’t we put more efforts on it? 封存方式有哪些?植物性吸附(fixation)封存發展如何?台灣四面環海,海洋封存是否更具發展潛力?二氧化碳是否能以水合物型態封存於海底?另外,台灣東部富含蛇紋岩礦,其礦化封存潛能該如何評估?國外相關的研究發展現況如何? How many ways are there to store CO2? How is the development of fixation by plants? Taiwan is surrounded by sea, wouldn’t if be more potential for oceanic sequestration? Is CO2 able to be stored and kept at the sea bottom in the form o


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