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和谐理念下高校全人教育课程探索   摘要:全人教育以培养和谐发展的人为理念,从身心、智力、审美和情感意识、个人责任和精神价值等多方面整合人类个体知识。约翰?米勒提出“平衡、包容与联结”为全人教育课程遵循的三原则,为我们提供了实践全人教育理念的途径。和谐理念下的高校全人教育课程与通识教育课程,都是培养全面和谐大学生和提高文化素质的模式,以整合的理念整体思考高校课程体系,融课程规划、目标、内容、评价和管理为一体。以公共基础课程、通识课程和课外学术活动或业余活动为主要实践阵地和实施途径,在专业课程教学中贯穿其理念和思想,在教师教学方法中融渗全人教育理念和思想。此外,建立专门机构进行课程的规划、审核与实施,建立评价体系是落实全人课程和保障质量的有效途径。   关键词:全人;全人教育;全人教育课程;通识课程   中图分类号:G642.3文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-0059(2008)04-0028-05      The Holistic Educational Courses under the Idea of Harmoniousness   Xie An-bang, Qin Yu-rong   (Institute of Higher Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China)   AbstractThe holistic education is an idea which aims to cultivate harmonious human being. It tries to integrate personal knowledge from multiple dimensions of human being such asmind and body, intelligence, sensitivity,the sense of aesthetics, personal responsibility and the spiritual values. The holistic education is based on the theory of holism and the thought of humanism, advocating the idea of integration to deal with the relationship between human being and the nature, human being and realistic world, and bringing personal potential into play. John Miller regards balance, inclusiveness and connectedness as the three principles of holistic curriculum which provide us the way to understand holistic education. Both holistic curriculum and general education are the modes to cultivate harmonious undergraduates and improve the quality of culture diathesis of individuals, with integrated ideas to think over the curriculum system and integrate curriculum planning, objective, content, evaluation and management into the whole. Holistic curriculum can be realized through the following ways: public curriculum, general curriculum and academic activities or the activities after school,through class instruction and teaching approaches. Besides, the management is also very important.   Key words the whole and harmonious man; holistic education; holistic curriculum; general education


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