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第 11 卷第 5 期 辽宁工程技术大学学报(社会科学版) VoI.口,No.5 2009 年 9 月 Journal of Liaoning Technical University(Social Science Edition) Sept. 2009 飞突砸辽西北中的公共管理创新论坛 a句~叼V岱叼~句E句E句E句E句~ 关于构建阜新旅游文化链的思专 张志勇 (辽宁工程技术大学公共管理与法学院,辽宁 阜新 123000) 摘要s 针对阜新旅游业发展过程中仍然存在一些问题z 观念上没有形成综合性的大的旅游文化观念;没有形成旅游文化链; 对旅游的历史与文化资源的开发、研究、利用不够;旅游文化产品的区域性特色不够突出;对旅游文化市场的管理不到位; 旅游服务质量仍需进一步提高。提出构建阜新旅游文化链;加强旅游文化管理与创新,打造优秀旅游文化城市的建议g 以 科学发展观为指导,树立大旅游文化观念;加强城市综合治理,塑造优秀旅游城市形象;开掘历史文化资源,创新特色文化 品牌z 以文化活动为载体,拉动经济增长z 加强旅游文化市场管理,创造安全与和谐的旅游环境。促进阜新地区的经济发展 与社会进步。 关键词g 阜新;旅游产业;旅游文化F 旅游文化链;1*游市场管理 中图分类号:F 59 文献标识码:A 文章编号: 1008-391X(2009 )05-0500一04 On the construction of tourism and culture link in Fuxin ZHANG Zhiyong CCollege of Public Adrninistration and Law science ,Liaoning Technical University ,Fuxin 123000 ,China) Abstract: There are stil1 some problems in Fuxirís tourism development: It has no concept of making a large integrated tourist cu Iture and hasnt formed a tourism and culture chain;The historical and cultural resources of Fuxirís tourism is not reseached ,developed and used enough and the regional characteristic tourist culture is also not hightlighted; The management of tourist culture market is not in place; Quality of tourism services ,still needs further improvement. The proposal of building Fuxi口~s tourism and culture link ,enhancing tourism and cultural management and innovation ,creating a outstanding tourism and cul- tural city: guided by the scientific outlook on development; establishing a large tourist cu Iture concepts; strengthening the comprehensive management of the city and shape the image of excellent tourism city; digging history and culture resources of Fuxin ,innovating characteristic cultural brand; bo


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