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中共连南瑶族自治县委书记:崔建军博士 Dr. Cui JianJun, Secretary of the county committee, Liannan Yao Autonomous County 一、文化遗产的概念 Cultural heritage concept (一)物质文化遗产的概念 Material cultural heritage concept 主要是具有历史、艺术和科学价值的文物,如古文化遗址、古墓葬、古建筑、石窟寺、石刻、壁画、艺术品、文献、手稿、图书资料、代表性实物等,分为珍贵文物和一般文物;珍贵文物分为一级文物、二级文物、三级文物。 Cultural relic has historical, artistic and the scientific value, like the cheological area, the ancient grave, the historic building, the cave temple, the carved stone, the mural, the artware, the literature, the draft manuscript, the books and reference materials, the representative material object and so on, divide into the cultural treasures and the common cultural relic; The cultural treasures divide into the first-level cultural relic, the second-level cultural relic, the third-level cultural relic. (二)非物质文化遗产的概念 Non-material cultural heritage concept 主要指人类以口头或动作方式相传,具有历史积淀和广泛性的民间文化遗产。它是一个民族历史文化的“活化石”,它包括民间传说、习俗、语言、音乐、舞蹈、礼仪、庆典、烹调以及传统医药等。 Mainly refers to the humanity hands down by oral or the movement way, has the history to accumulate with the universality folk cultural heritage. It is a national history culture “the living fossil”, it including folklore, custom, language, music, dance, etiquette, celebration, cooking as well as traditional medicine and so on. 二、文化遗产与旅游之间的关系 The relations between cultural heritage and tourism (一)旅游对文化遗产的积极影响 The positive influence of tourism to cultural heritage 1.文化遗产是旅游的最重要资源之一 2.文化遗产的多样性与差异性是旅游吸引力的关键因素 3.旅游开发能为文化遗产的保护提供资金支持 1.The cultural heritage is one of the most important tourism resources. 2.Cultural heritages multiplicity and the difference are the tourism attraction key aspects of. 3.The tourism development can provide financial support for the cultural heritage protection (二)旅游对文化遗产的消极影响 The Negative influence of tourism to cultural heritage 旅游开发是一把双刃剑,能带来好处,也能带来坏处: The tourism development is a double-edged sword, good and bad effects. 1.给文化遗产极其协调的环境带来毁灭性的破坏 2.如为追逐商业价值,盲目迎合游客的趣味而不惜扭曲文化遗产的本来面貌,会导致文化遗产变味,衰落和断裂



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