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2006 2 F eb. 2006 33 1 Y unnan Chem ical T echno logy V ol. 33, N o. 1 # # 1 1 2 和承尧 , 于 军 , 陶元器 ( 1. , 65004 1; 2. , 65009 1 : , ; , 99% , 95% ; , 98% , 90% 95% , A- 80% : ; ; ; ; ; ; : TQ 655 : A : 1004-275X ( 2006 0 1-000 1-08 Process for the Synthesis of Ionone 1 1 2 HE Cheng-yao , YU Jun , TAO Yuan-qi ( 1Y unnan R esearch In stitute of Chem ical Eng ineering, Kunm ing 65004 1, C hina; 2 D epartm ent of C hem istry, Kunm ing 65009 1, C hina Abstract: Ionone w as syn th es ized from L itsea cubeba oil and lem en o il, and cond ition of condensation, cycl ization and purificat ion of product w as stud ied. T he tran sform ation rate of citral w as more than 99% and the y ield w as 95% in the react ion of cit ral w ith aceton e. T h e trans form at ion rate w as m ore th an 98% and the y ield w as 90% in the cycl ization of pseudoionone, w ith 95% of tota l keton es, among wh ich A-ionone accounts for 80% . ey words: ionon e; L itsea cubeba o i;l lem en oil; cit ral; condensat ion; cyclizat ion; pseudoionone , , ( Ionone, C13H 20 O, A- 192. 29 , AB C3 , , B-, A-[ 4-( 2. 6. 6 -2--1 -3- B- 2-] B-( 4-( 2. 6. 6 -1- , , - 1 -3--2-, C-


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