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中北大学2016届毕业设计说明书 PAGE PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT I PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT I 毕业设计说明书 曲面印刷机传墨系统结构设计 机械与动力工程学院学生姓名: 学号: 机械与动力工程学院 机械设计制造及其自动化学 院: 机械设计制造及其自动化 专 业: 指导教师: 2016年 06 月 曲面印刷机传墨系统结构设计 摘 要: 自动曲面印刷机主要生产各种工业及日常生活用品的外包装物。 如纸杯、饮料瓶、易拉罐及桶状物的表面印刷。可被印刷的材料多种多样主要有铁、 铜、 玻璃、陶瓷等。 伴着当今科技的不断日益发展壮大及生产工艺的不断创新,各种外形优美、设计新颖的产品到处可见。它使我们的视觉丰富多彩并在生活上带给我们很多便利。其中包含的零部件有:手轮、墨斗、出墨钢辊等。箱体内的大墨辊让油墨均匀,随后大墨辊将墨传至版辊。随着社会信息化及经济全球化的迅猛发展,人们的审美观念不断的进步与更新,对商业和包装印刷的要求越来越高,而联系也越来越紧密。在庞大的市场需求推动与先进的科学技术促进下,包装印刷技术以及包装印刷机械都在发生巨大的变化。 设计中充分利用了Pro/Engineer软件对设计内容进行三维实体建模、装配、仿真,并通过Pro/Engineer导出2维装配图和零件图。设计说明书应用图片与文字相结合,形象的说明了设计对象的各个组成部分。 关键词:曲面印刷 传墨系统 Pro/Engineer Surface Transfer Printer Ink System Design Author’s Name: Wu Kai Tutor: Ma Weijin ABSTRACT: Flexographys main products for the food, cosmetics, cleaning products, fuel oil packaging material. At the same time, also used in some drinking cups and advertising gifts printing. The composition of the material surface of substrates mainly metal, glass, ceramics and Pp, PC and other polymer materials With the improvement of modern science and technology development and production technology, a variety of unique, curved body is round Jianyou substrates everywhere visible, it gives us life has to offer a lot of convenience and beautify our visual space. Wherein the components included are: hand wheel, the fountain, the Mexican steel roller to roller, the intermediate roller, the inking roller, ink roller under the uniform, large ink roller. Roller box has to swing back and forth as the ink roller, the ink on the ink roller steel belt onto the intermediate rolls, the upper and lower inking roller axially moving string and swing. So large ink roller ink spread evenly, then spread to a large ink fountain roller Roller. With the rapid development of information society and economi


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