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广告位系统的分析与设计 【摘 要】 随着电子商务大浪潮的袭来和互联网的快速发展,网上交易有了迅猛的发展,随之而来的是各类网站的出现,从而网站上各类广告位和广告创意管理的需求也亟待解决。而广告位管理系统为那些网站提供了一个很好的展现平台,让他们有地方可以去展示自己的商品,而需求者也可以有个统一的选择去找自己想要的。本文的广告位管理系统正是为这样的平台而构建。该系统采用JAVA语言开发,依据MVC设计模式(Model-View-Controller),并充分发挥B/S的优势。文章首先对国内外广告的研究状况进行了归纳总结和对比分析。然后,进行系统的需求分析以及数据库的设计理念,并对该系统的技术要求做了简单介绍。期间阐述了系统的实现,主要论述了会员管理员、业务管理员、人事管理员、会员模块4大模块的具体设计及其实现过程,这实际上也是该广告位系统的核心模块。最后是对整个系统的回顾以及功能实现的展望。 关键词:网络; 广告位 ; 平台 【Abstract】 With the rapid development of electronic commerce and the Internet, online trading has made rapid development, followed by all kinds of sites, which sites of all kinds of advertising and advertising creative management needs to be solved. It provides a good platform of advertising management system for the web site, so that they can have a place to display their goods, while demand can also have a uniform selection to find you want. Advertising management system in this paper is built to such a platform. The system uses JAVA language development, based on the MVC design pattern (Model-View-Controller), and give full play to the advantages of B/S. Analyze and summarize the summary and comparison firstly research status of domestic and foreign advertising. Then, the design concept for the system demand analysis and database, and have made the simple introduction to the systems technical requirements. Describes the system implementation, mainly discusses the specific design membership administrator, administrator, business personnel administrator, member of 4 modules and the process of the core module, which is actually the advertising system. Finally the prospect of the whole system is reviewed and the outlook of the functions to achieve. 【Keywords】 Network ; Advertising ; Platform 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc22964 第一章 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc22964 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc11221 1.1 课题来源以及国内外研究现状 PAGEREF _Toc11221 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc22423 1.2 研究意义 PAGEREF _Toc22423 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc15508 第二章 系统分析 PAGEREF _Toc15508 4 HYPERLI


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