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高速公路安全行车间距与追尾事故预防 丁建友,李铁柱,李文权 (东南大学交通学院南京 210096 ) 摘 要:高速公路交通管理的主要目标是避免发生交通事故,保障车辆安全运行。追尾事故是高速公路交通 事故的主要类型之一,行车间距和车速是影响追尾事故及其严重程度的主要因素。通过分析车辆驾驶员的 制动反应特性,结合车辆的制动减速过程,建立了用于指导安全行车的间距模型(绝对安全间距和相对安 全间距)。本文分析了车间距的取值和车速控制的原则,结果表明:车辆为了避免发生追尾事故,车间距应 在绝对安全间距和相对安全间距间取值;合理的车速控制是降低追尾事故及其严重程度的有效措施之一。 关键词:追尾事故;安全行车间距;绝对安全间距;相对安全间距;速度控制 Study on Vehicles Safety Distance and the Prevention of Rear-end Accident on Freeway Ding Jian-you, Li Tie-zhu, Li Wen-quan (Transportation College of Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China) Abstract: The main goal of traffic management on freeway is to avoid the occurrence of traffic accident and to keep the vehicles operate safely. The rear-end collision is one main type of the traffic accidents on highway; the gap distance and the vehicle speed are the main factors which cause the collision and affect the severity. By analysis of driver’s reaction characteristics, combining vehicle’s deceleration process, this paper attempts to model the safety distance between vehicles (relative safety distance and absolute safety distance). By analyzing the value of gap distance and the principles of speed control, it is found that if the vehicle-gap ranges from the relative safety distance and the absolute safety distance, the rear-end collision accident can be avoided; reasonable speed control is one effective way to reduce the amount and the severity of traffic accident. Key words :rear-end collision; safety distance; relative safety distance; absolute safety distance; speed control 1 引言 高速行车是引发严重交通事故的主要原因。其中,因行车间距把握不准,控制不当而引 发的追尾事故已成为近几年我国高速公路交通事故的主要事故形态之一。鉴于高速公路行车 速度快,发生追尾事故的严重危害性,广泛地开展安全机制研究,探讨行车间距与车辆、车 速、驾驶员、环境等因素的关系,这将有助于找到事故成因和行之有效的整改措施。不少学 者对高速公路预防追尾事故进行过探讨。马骏、郑安文分析了车辆在不同制动情况和不同跟 车状态下的行车安全间距[1~3] ;徐杰在对分析驾驶员速度判断过程、量化反应能力的基础上 提出了在一


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