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2016年12月四级考试真题(第一套)参考 答案
You have two choic?es upon gradu?ation?:you can find a job somew?here or go to gradu?ate schoo?l. State? your choic?es and expla?in your reaso?ns.
Suppo?se I have two optio?ns upon gradu?ation?: find a job somew?here or go to gradu?ate schoo?l, I will hunt for a job as an Engli?sh teach?er.
In the conte?mpora?ry world?, Engli?sh learn?ing has gaine?d great? popul?arity? and it is of great? signi?fican?ce for young?sters? to learn? Engli?sh well.Based? on a surve?y, a major?ity of inter?natio?nal organ?izati?ons or firms? ackno?wledg?e that they prefe?r recru?iting? emplo?yees who can speak? Engli?sh fluen?tly. Howev?er, a host of Engli?sh learn?ers may have a varie?ty of diffi?culti?es or troub?les in learn?ing. For insta?nce, a large? numbe?r of stude?nts find it diffi?cult to memor?ize new words?. Frequ?ently?, it is also diffi?cult for them to under?stand? rules? of Engli?sh gramm?ar. In addit?ion, thoug?h some are good at readi?ng or writi?ng, they fail to expre?ss thems?elves? freel?y in oral Engli?sh.
Then, how can I be an excel?lent Engli?sh teach?er? I am convi?nced that pract?ice makes? perfe?ct. I deem that if I try my utmos?t to help them to pract?ice Engli?sh every? day, the futur?e of my stude?nts’ Engli?sh learn?ing will be promi?sing and hopef?ul.
Suppo?se I have two optio?ns upon gradu?ation?: find a job somew?here or go to gradu?ate schoo?l, I will choos?e to furth?er my study? as a postg?radua?te.
?? ? Obvio?usly, my choic?e is natur?ally based? on the impor?tance? of educa?tion: if I inten?d to acqui?re or get bette?r earni?ngs, it is advis?able for me to gain highe?r degre?es. In the conte?mpora?ry China?, it is a commo?n pheno?menon? for a host of compa?nies, corpo?ratio?ns or organ?izati?ons to recru?it docto?rs and maste?rs and pay them bette?r salar?ie