How to Talk to Anyone_ 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships - Lowndes, Leil精品分析.doc

How to Talk to Anyone_ 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships - Lowndes, Leil精品分析.doc

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How to Talk to Anyone_ 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships - Lowndes, Leil精品分析

How to Talk to Anyone - 92 Little Tricks... How to Talk to Anyone - 92 Little Tricks... How to Talk to Anyone - 92 Little Tricks... How to Talk to Anyone - 92 Little Tricks... Introduction How to Get Anything You Want from Anybody (Well, at Least Have the Best Crack at It!) Have you ever admired those successful people who seem tohave it all? You see them chatting confidently at business meetings or comfortably at social parties. Theyre the ones with the best jobs, the nicest spouses, the finest friends, the biggest bank accounts, or the most fashionable zip codes. But wait a minute! A lot of them arent smarter than you. Theyre not more educated than you. Theyre not even better looing! So what is it? (Some people suspect they inherited it. Others say they married it or were just plain lucky. Tell them to think again.) What it boils down to is their more skillful way of deaing with fellow human beings. You see, nobody gets to the top alone. Over the years, people who seem to have it all have captured the hearts and conquered the minds of hundreds of others who helped boost them, rung by rung, to the top of whatever corporate or social ladder they chose. Wanna-bes wandering around at the foot of the ladder often gaze up and grouse that the big boys and big girls at the top are snobs. When big players dont give them their friendship, love, or business, they call them cliquish or accuse them of belonging to an old-boy network. Some grumble they hit their heads against a glass ceiling. The complaining Little Leaguers never realize the rejection was their own fault. Theyll never know they blew the affair, the friendship, or the deal because of their own communications fubles. Its as though well-liked people have a bag of tricks, a magic, or a Midas touch that turns everything they do into success. Whats in their bag of tricks? Youll find a lot of things: a sustance that solidifies friendships, a wizardry that wins minds, and a magic that makes people fall in love with th



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