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PAGE PAGE 23 题目 广西凤山县石漠化地区核桃林生态经济效益分析 毕业论文 学院(系): 专 业: 班 级: 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 2012年05月20日 摘要 本文选取广西凤山县石漠化治理中大力较广种植的“核桃”作为研究对象,对其进行生态效益和经济效益分析。生态效益从林下植被多样性、土壤理化性质、生物量三个方面进行调查研究,经济效益通过调查核桃林历年来的投入成本和产出值记录,分析核桃的收入动态过程及其投入产出比。本文旨在为凤山县退耕还林的效益评价提供一定的参考依据,同时也为桂西北及其他石漠化地区的治理提供一定的借鉴。结果表明:(1)核桃林林下植物物种丰富度和物种多样性均较高,物种分布也比较均匀;(2)8年生核桃林总生物量为4.62 t/hm2,乔木层的生物量为3.58 t/hm2,灌草层生物量为1.04 t/hm2;其乔木的单株生物量平均值为0.255714 t/hm2,大于香椿单株生物量平均值为0.227778t/hm2;(3)核桃林土壤含水量大于坡耕地的土壤含水量;土壤总孔隙度分别为52.6%、51.8%,具有良好的通气性;土壤有机质含量、全N含量和速效N、P、K含量均高于坡耕地,说明核桃林的土壤肥力较好。(4)核桃林从第七年开始投产,随着年亩产量的增加每年产值不断增大,第9年可全部收回前期投入成本,全林开始盈利。全林年纯利润随着树龄的增长而增多。盛产期亩产值达到6000元/亩,且盛果期达100多年,经济效益显著。综述所述,核桃在凤山县石漠化治理中兼具良好生态效益和经济效益的树种。 关键词:石漠化 核桃 生态效益 经济效益 ABSTRACT The paper selected the representatives tree species Juglans regia L. as the object of study, to explore their ecological and economic benefits analysis. Ecological benefits included the diversity of understory vegetation, soil properties,biomass. Economic benefits mainly involved walnut plantation’s dynamic income and its input-output ratio. This article aimed to provide a reference basis to evaluate the result of returning farmland to forests in Fengshan, but also for other parts of of the northwest Guangxi and other rocky desertification region. The results showed that: (1) walnut plantation’s species richness and species diversity were both high, species distribution was also self; (2) 8-years-old walnut plantation’s biomass was 4.62t/hm2, arbor layer’s biomass was 3.58t/hm2, shrub and herb layer’ biomass was 1.04t/hm2; its each wood biomass was 0.255714t/hm2, which was higher than toon(0.227778t/hm2); (3) walnut forest’s soil moisture content is greater than the slope of cultivated land; their total soil porosity were52.6% and 51.8%, which both had good ventilation; soil organic matter content, total N content and available N, P, K content were higher than the slope arable land, the above illustrated that walnut plantation had good soil fertility.


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