Chinese enterprises to explore how to respond to the rapid development of e-commerce精品分析.doc

Chinese enterprises to explore how to respond to the rapid development of e-commerce精品分析.doc

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Chinese enterprises to explore how to respond to the rapid development of e-commerce精品分析

Chinese enterprises to explore how to respond to the rapid development of e-commerce [Abstract] In recent years, with the rapid development of e-commerce has brought many opportunities for Chinese enterprises to make all kinds of enterprises are developing rapidly, but also brought great challenges to the enterprise and impact. This article first describes the status of e-commerce development in China, combined with e-commerce to business impact, and then to explore how companies cope with the rapid development of e-commerce strategy. For guiding the development of enterprises put forward a clear direction, play a role in navigation. [Keywords:] the rapid development of e-business impact measures In recent years, China’s e-commerce along with the development of network technology has also been an unprecedented development. But also to the production, sales and management, and brought a series of changes. For example: elimination of the traditional areas of trade restrictions, can be limited in time and space to expand their business quickly; through computer networks online transactions, improving customer service, reduce flow time, reduce costs, improve economic efficiency of enterprises and so on. The development of e-commerce business development, while creating immense opportunities, but also to the enterprise a huge impact and challenges. The Prophet, first change, in the face of the rapid development of e-commerce, enterprise and how to develop an effective strategy for response to e-commerce, enhance market competition, sustainable and stable development of the enterprise is critical. First, the status quo of China’s e-commerce development E-commerce is an Internet / Intranet network framework to deal the two sides as the main body in order to bank payment and settlement as a means to customer database, backed a new business model. As a new business form, since China’s accession to WTO, e-commerce are growing rapidly. In February 19


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