Tempate fr AGU Jrnas Wr 2000 Versin 1在AGU期刊Wr 2000模板1版.docx

Tempate fr AGU Jrnas Wr 2000 Versin 1在AGU期刊Wr 2000模板1版.docx

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Tempate fr AGU Jrnas Wr 2000 Versin 1在AGU期刊Wr 2000模板1版

PAGE JOURNAL OF CAVE AND KARST STUDIES STYLE: A GUIDE FOR CONTRIBUTORS Malcolm S. Field Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. 20460 Preparing a paper for publication in the Journal of Cave and Karst Studies requires that the author(s) preparing the manuscript conform to the guidelines set down by the National Speleological Society. This document illustrates the basic manuscript form required for consideration for publication in the Journal of Cave and Karst Studies. Journal text is typeset using Roman type in the Journal of Cave and Karst Studies which requires that journal names, such as the Journal of Cave and Karst Studies or a biological species name, be in italic type. For example, the biological species name for the blind cave fish, Amblyopsis rosae, must appear in italic form when text appears in Roman form so as to set off the scientific name from the rest of the text. INTRODUCTION The National Speleological Society serves the karst community and society at large in several ways, among them by publishing the Journal of Cave and Karst Studies which presents the results of investigations. The Journal of Cave and Karst Studies is a multidisciplinary journal devoted to cave and karst research that seeks original, unpublished manuscripts concerning the scientific study of caves and/or karst features. Authors do not need to be members of the National Speleological Society (NSS), but preference is generally given to manuscripts of importance to North American speleology. The Editor of the Journal of Cave and Karst Studies has the responsibility for maintaining the Journal quality and for reviewing and accepting papers submitted for publication. These guidelines derive from the Journal Editor’s, Associate Editors’ and Advisory Board’s definition of the standards of quality for scientific research and its publication in the Journal, and from the karst communitys desire and need to have a high-quality jour


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