nit 5 why y ike panas A 2ft PwerPint 演示文稿.ppt

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nit 5 why y ike panas A 2ft PwerPint 演示文稿

Unit 5 * Section A Period two * What animals can you see? Memory Challenge * koala penguin elephant panda dolphin What animals can you see? Memory Challenge * panda zoo tiger elephant lion giraffe animal n.熊猫 n.动物园 n.老虎 n.大象 n.狮子 n.长颈鹿 n.动物 Words and expressions * cute lazy smart beautiful scary kind kind of adj.可爱的, adj.懒散的 adj.聪明的 adj.美丽的 adj.恐怖的 n.种类 稍微 Words and expressions * Australia south Africa South Africa pet leg cat friendly n.澳大利亚 adj.南方的n.南,南方 n.非洲 南非 n.宠物 n.腿 n.猫 adj.有好的 Words and expressions * Pairwork 1、 Let ‘s see the pandas first. Why? Because they are very cute . tigers elephants dolphins lions penguins giraffes * A: I like … B: Why do you like him / her? A: Because he/ she is very/kind of … friendly shy ugly cute beautiful smart clever very kind of 用右边方框里的形容词和下图列出的明星练习下列对话。 Practice * Jenny: Your dog is really cute, Peter!你的狗真的很可爱, 皮特。 Peter: He’s my new pet, Dingding. He’s very smart.它是我新的宠物,叮叮。它是非常聪明的 Jenny: Really? What can he do?真的吗?它能做什么? Peter: He can walk on two legs. He can dance, too.它能用 两只脚走路。他也能跳舞 Jenny: Wow!哇 Peter: Does your family have a pet?你家有宠物吗 Jenny: My mom has a big cat, but I don’t like her.我妈妈有 一只大猫,但是我不喜欢它 Peter: Why don’t you like the cat?你为什么不喜欢猫 Jenny: Well, because she’s kind of boring.因为它有点无聊 She sleeps all day, and her name is lazy.她一整天都在睡觉,她的名字叫懒懒 Peter: Haha ,then that’s a good name for her!哈哈,对她这是个好名字 * Jenny: Your dog is really cute, Peter! Peter: He’s my new pet, Dingding. He’s very smart. Jenny: Really? What can he do? Peter: He can walk on two legs. He can dance, too. Jenny: Wow! Peter: Does your family have a pet? Jenny: My mom has a big cat, but I don’t like her. Peter: Why don’t you like the cat? Jenny: Well, because she’s kind of boring. She sleeps all day, and her name is lazy. Peter: Haha ,then that’s a good name for her! On 用的意思 Kind


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