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国标 精 ①essence ②semen 西太区 精 Essence ((1) the fundamental substance that builds up the physical structure and maintains body function; (2) reproductive essence stored in the kidney ) 国标 先天之精 innate essence 后天之精 acquired essence 精气 essential qi 西太区 先天之精 innate essence 后天之精 acquired essence 精气 essential qi 国标 先天之气 innate qi 后天之气 acquired qi 元气原气 original qi 正气 healthy qi 西太区 先天之气 innate qi 后天之气 acquired qi 原气; 元气 source qi 正气 healthy qi 国标 真气 genuine qi 宗气 pectoral qi 中气 middle qi 西太区 眞气 genuine qi 宗气 ancestral qi 脏气 visceral qi 中气 middle qi 国标 卫气 defense qi 营气 nutrient qi 气机 qi movement 气化 qi transformation 西太区 卫气 defense qi 营气 nutrient qi 气机 qi movement 气化 qi transformation 国标 君火 monarchic fire 相火 ministerial fire 少火 moderate fire 西太区 君火 sovereign fire 相火 ministerial fire 先天之火 innate fire from the life gate 国标 脏象 visceral manifestation 脏象学说 theory of visceral manifestation 脏 zang viscus 腑 fu viscus 西太区 脏象 visceral manifestation 脏象学说 visceral manifestation theory 脏 viscus 腑 bowel 国标 五脏 five zang viscera 六腑 six fu viscera 三焦 triple energizer 奇恒之腑 extraordinary fu viscera 西太区 五脏 five viscera 六腑 six bowels 三焦 triple energizers 奇恒之腑 extraordinary organs 国标 元神之府 house of original mentality 疏泄 free flow and rise of qi 刚脏 firm-characterized zang viscus 西太区 元神之府 house of the original spirit 疏泄 free coursing 刚脏 unyielding viscus 国标 娇脏 delicate zang viscus 宣发 dispersion and ascent 肃降 purification and descent 西太区 娇脏 delicate viscus 宣发 diffusion 肃降 purification and down-sending 国标 经络 meridian and collateral 经脉 Meridian 手太阴肺经 lung meridian of hand taiyin 奇经八脉 eight extra meridians 西太区 经络 meridian and collateral 经脉 meridian vessel 手太阴肺经 lung meridian (lU) 奇经八脉 eight extra meridians 国标 督脉 governor vessel 任脉conception vessel 冲脉thoroughfare vessel 带脉belt vessel 阴维脉yin link vessel 阳维脉yang link vessel 阴跷脉yin heel vessel 阳跷脉yang heel vessel 西太区 督脉 governor vessel 任脉conception vessel 冲脉thoroughfare vessel 带脉belt vessel 阴维脉yin link vessel 阳维脉yang li