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心理咨询业的专业定位 张志刚 与专业定位相关的三种专业人员 精神病理学家 Psychiatrist (精神病医生) 临床心理学家 Clinical Psychologist (心理医生、心理咨询师) 咨询心理学家 Counselling Psychologist (心理咨询师) 人的心理健康与不健康 正常人:平静、自信、乐观、积极 有心理问题(15%):正常人进入一个特殊阶段,感觉学习、生活和工作有了一些困难 有心理疾病(精神病 1%): 1、心因性精神病(反应性精神病):神经症(恐怖症、焦虑症、神经衰弱症、强迫症、癔症)和变态人格——心理咨询与治疗为主、药物治疗为辅 2、内生性精神病:如精神分裂症等,原因脑代谢异常,外界不良刺激仅是诱因。——药物治疗为主,心理咨询为辅 心理问题与疾病的主要症状 记忆力突然下降 注意力难以集中 严重缺乏自信 过多内疚、自责 抑郁、厌世 忧虑重重 失眠 逃避与人接触 惧怕 烦躁不安 精神病理学家 Psychiatrist 精神病理学家的研究(1) 大脑解剖结构与心理症状的确定联系。对生活变故、精神创伤于心理的影响没有兴趣。 John Searle:There is nothing more mysterious or mystic about the mind than there is about digestion. What the brain does for the mind is the what the stomach does for the digestion. 90年广为传播的美国家心理卫生研究院的实验:15名精分者与孪生者比较,除1名外,脑心室ventricles有明显差异。院长Lewis Judd称之为“里程碑”实验。 Dr.Seymour Kety, Paul H.Wender, and David Rosenthal discovered that if one member of an identical twin pair suffers a depressive disorder, the average concordance rate is 50 percent. The rate for fraternal twins is only about 10 percent, no different than that for siblings. 一个至今还在争辩的问题: the nature/nurture and genetic/enviroment dilemma. The “two brain”: Though the two hemispheres look very much alike, they process information in different ways. The right hemisphere operates holistically. Thus, forming a mental picture of one’s living room is best done by the right hemisphere. The left hemisphere is contrast, excels in breaking things down into their component pairs; mentally counting the number of chairs in that living room is best done by the left hemisphere, which draws upon the right hemisphere’s vision of the entire living room and then mentally subdivides it according to the individual chairs it contains. Since language involves the stringing together of separate unites- words-in order to form a phrase or sentence, the left hemisphere is specialised for language in 96 to 99 percent of right-handed and 70 percent of left-handed people.


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