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Remote control system design and implementation
Abstract: This design is to use computer technology and wireless communication technology to realize the remote equipment control. System includes remote terminal and equipment controller end. Remote part is composed of microcomputer, keys and wireless transmitters. It makes different key values according different button pushing and return equal control codes to equipment controller end. Equipment controller end is also a single-chip microcomputer control system, composed by single-chip microcomputer, dc motors, step motor, display lights and wireless receiver composition, and it controls different equipments according to the control codes sent by remote terminal. System control is convenient for use, and can be applied in remote household electronics control, in some high risk operating by remote controlling, and outdoor long distance communication.
This paper describes the basic principle, method and design process of remote control system. Thesis mainly includes: system scheme comparison, system structure design, unit circuit design, system software design part and others, introduces design basic idea of remote control system, the way to construct the system framework and later system testing process. System solution argument is the premise. Overall system structure design plans the direction, implementation process and is the key part of the whole design. Unit circuit design is the most basic module and is to describe
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