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摘要 球面上任兩點間最短距離為大圈,當航行員跨大洋航行時,採用大圈航法, 但在偏高緯( 35至 45之間)與高緯( 45 以上)海域因其天候狀況不良,易造 成船舶劇烈搖晃,導致人員不適與船體結構損害,此時則改以最高緯度為限,由 兩段大圈以及一段平行航法航行,但其計算過程相當繁複,容易導致人為失誤。 雖然國外計算網站與商業軟體已開發完成,但不能完全符合航行員的需要,所以 本計劃以航行員的實際需求為主軸,利用數值軟體 MATLAB ,建構與開發混合 航法軟體。經過實例計算與比較得知,本計劃所建構的混合航法軟體,計算結果 與網站及商業軟體相符,且能彌補前述網站與商業軟體情境之不足。此研究成果 應可轉移至航運公司航路規劃與海事教育、訓練之用。 關鍵字:麥氏航法、大圈航法、平行航 法、混合航法。 Abstract The great circle is the shortest distance between two points on a sphere. Navigators use Great Circle Sailing when they cross the sea. The weather on the high latitude which cause ships crank heavily and people’s illness is bad. So, navigators use Composite Sailing which is composed of two Great Circle Sailings and one Parallel Sailing. However, the calculation is too complicated to make mistakes. Although the developed sailing calculators such as the computational software and the website, they can’t provide navigators’ requirement completely. According to those reasons, this research developed a Composite Sailing Software by using MATLAB. After tested by examples, we can find out that the results of the developed software are as accurate as the computational software and the website. In addition, the developed software can improve the deficiency of the computational software and the website. Keywords :Mercator Sailing, Great Circle Sailing, Parallel Sailing, Composite Sailing. 1 報告內容 一、 前言 航海(Navigation ),係指利用海上運具安全且經濟的將人與貨物由一地運送 至另一地的過程。當橫跨大洋航行時,若不考慮風與流的影響,以球面上兩點所 構成的大圈弧線為基準之大圈航法(Great Circle Sailing ),即為最經濟的路徑。 但在偏高緯( 35至 45之間)與高緯( 45 以上)海域因其天候狀況不良,易造 成船舶劇烈搖晃,導致人員不適與船體結構損害,當航行緯度過高時,則以一最 高緯度為限,改以平行航法( Parallel Sailing )為之,而形成


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